Gustav von Rosenstiel

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Gustav von Rosenstiel

Theodor Ludwig Gustav von Rosenstiel (* May 24, 1824 in Posen , † September 17, 1888 in Gorgast ) was the dike captain of the Oderbruch .


Gustav von Rosenstiel was the son of the owner of the Decker Hofbuchdruckerei in Posen, Wilhelm von Rosenstiel and Agnes Wahnschaffe. His grandfather was the Prussian State Councilor Friedrich Philipp Rosenstiel . His aunt Henriette Rosenstiel's husband was the sculptor and graphic artist Johann Gottfried Schadow. In 1850 he married his cousin Clara Wahnschaffe, with whom he had eleven children, eight of whom survived. The district administrators Arnold von Rosenstiel and Conrad von Rosenstiel were his sons. His daughter Regine (1866–1943), married to Bogislaw von Klitzing (1861–1942), was the grandmother of the Nobel laureate in physics Klaus von Klitzing . His cousin was the architect Martin Gropius .


He was a councilor and since 1863 royal domain tenant of the Gorgast domain . In 1864 the police administration of the Gorgast domain office was transferred to him and he was sworn in as a police administrator. As a member of the dike office of Oberoderbruch, he was unanimously elected dike captain on July 27, 1876 and confirmed on August 2. He was also a royal magistrate and district deputy.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch der Briefadeligen Häuser "11th year, Gotha 1917, p. 716.
  2. ^ Nadja Stulz-Herrnstadt: Berlin bourgeoisie in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Walter de Gruyter, 2002, pages 226,227,
  3. a b ( Memento of the original from November 25, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. ^ Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch. Noble houses. 1921, p. 704
  5. ^ Christian Rosenstiehl: Theodor Ludwig Gustav von ROSENSTIEL. In: geneanet. Retrieved September 5, 2018 .
  6. Charlotte Louise Bennecke and your circle, 2 volumes, supplement volume 2, Phillippka Verlag, 3rd edition, Münster 1979
  7. ^ Official Journal of the Government of Frankfurt ad Oder: 1864
  8. ^ Paul Ellerholz: Handbook of real estate in the German Empire. 1. The Kingdom of Prussia. 1. Delivery to the province of Brandenburg. 2nd improved edition, 340 p., Berlin, Nicolaische Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1885 (p. 74/5)
predecessor Office successor
Adolf Hermann Robert Feeder Dike captain of the Oderbruch
Günther Reichsgraf Finck von Finckenstein