Gustave Fraipont

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Gustave Fraipont
Biarritz poster

Gustave de Fraipont (born May 9, 1849 in Brussels , † April 29, 1923 in Paris ) was a Belgian-French painter, sculptor, illustrator, poster artist and writer.

He was a student of Henri Hendrickx (1817-1894) and Henri de Hern. As a freelance artist, he worked in Paris and received French citizenship.

He became a drawing teacher at the Maison d'éducation de la Légion d'honneur (school for children of the Legion of Honor).

He published a number of textbooks for amateur artists. He wrote and illustrated books for young people, also illustrated novels by French writers such as Alphonse Daudet , Charles Perrault , Catulle Mendès and Ernest d'Hervilly , as well as Daniel Defoe and Karl May .

In 1885 he provided illustrations for the series of travel books about the French coast for the publisher Victor Palmé. He also illustrated books on Paris and the French regions. He created many posters for railroad companies, including the Western and Northern Railway. He provided illustrations for numerous newspapers and magazines such as Courrier français and Paris illustré .

In 1905 he was appointed the official painter of the Navy.

During the First World War, he provided several works for the newspaper L'Illustration , including the monuments destroyed by the war: the halls of Ypres , the cathedral of Reims and the town hall of Arras .


  • L'art dans les travaux a l'aiguille (Gallica)
  • L'art de peindre les fleurs à l'aquarelle (Gallica)
  • L'art de peindre les marines à l'aquarelle (Gallica)
  • Contes Choisis by Catulle Mendès (Gallica)


Web links

Commons : Gustave Fraipont  - collection of images, videos and audio files