Gustavo Corni

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Gustavo Corni (born January 17, 1952 in Modena , Italy ) is an Italian historian with a focus on contemporary history, especially National Socialism.

Corni studied history and political science at the University of Bologna from 1970 to 1974 . After working as a research assistant at the University of Venice from 1981 to 1988, he received professorships for modern and contemporary history as well as for German history at the University of Chieti from 1988 to 1992 and at the University of Trieste from 1992 to 1997 .

From 1997 until his retirement in 2018 , Corni held a professorship for contemporary history at the Sociological Faculty of the University of Trento . In addition, he is u. a. Permanent visiting scholar at the Munich Institute for Contemporary History and Fellow of the Italian-German Historical Institute in Trento and the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS). Corni is a member of the International Graduate School “Political Communication” with headquarters at the University of Frankfurt . Since 2010 he has also been a member of the International Scientific Advisory Board of the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) .

Fonts (selection)

  • (Ed. With Martin Sabrow ) The walls of history. Historiography in Europe between dictatorship and democracy . Akademische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig 1996, ISBN 3-931982-00-9 .
  • (with Horst Gies ) Bread - Butter - Cannons. The food industry in Germany under Hitler's dictatorship . Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1997, ISBN 3-05-002933-1 .
  • (with Gerhard Hirschfeld ) L'umanità offesa. Stermini e memoria nell 'Europa del Novecento. Bologna 2003.
  • Il sogno del 'grande spazio'. Le politiche d'occupazione nell'Europa nazista . Editori Laterza, Bari-Roma 2005, ISBN 978-88-420-7503-5 .
  • Hitler . Mulino, Bologna 2007, ISBN 978-88-15-11997-1 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Malte König: Review of: Gustavo Corni: Il sogno del 'grande spazio'. Le politiche d'occupazione nell'Europa nazista in: sehepunkte . 5 (2005), No. 10 [15. October 2005]