Guy Maunsell

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Guy Anson Maunsell (born September 1, 1884 in Srinagar , then Kashmir , British India ; † June 20, 1961 in Ireland ) was the British civil engineer who designed the Maunsell forts during World War II , which were used to defend the east coast of England in the estuaries the rivers Thames and River Mersey were established.

In 1955 he founded in London the company G Maunsell & Partners . The company quickly expanded to Australia , Hong Kong and the Middle East and is considered a pioneer in the use of prestressed concrete in the construction of large bridges. The Narrows Bridge in Perth , completed in 1959 , and at the time of its opening, the largest pre-cast concrete bridge in the world, was built to a design by G Maunsell & Partners . The Gladesville Bridge in Sydney , built between 1959 and 1964, is still one of the longest concrete arch bridges in the world today. They merged with the Faber engineering office . The company has been part of the AECOM Group since 2000 .

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