Hotel de Mayenne

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Hotel de Mayenne

The Hôtel de Mayenne is a Hôtel particulier in the 4th arrondissement of Paris . The building, built in the 17th century, is located at 21 rue Saint-Antoine . The Hôtel de Mayenne has been a listed building ( Monument historique ) since 1974 .

The nearest metro stations are Saint-Paul and Bastille on lines 1, 5 and 8.


Coat of arms of the Duke of Mayenne

The Hôtel de Mayenne was built from 1613 to 1617 according to the plans of the architect Jean Androuet du Cerceau (1585–1649). It is located on the site of the former Hôtel du Petit-Muc, the Charles VI. Bought in 1378 and given it to his brother Louis de Valois . In 1605 the Hôtel particulier came into the possession of the Duke of Mayenne, Charles II , after whose name the city palace is named today. The Couvent des Visitandines was located on the neighboring property to the west and the Petit-Musc street, which still exists today, on the east.


Almost nothing has survived from the previous building. Jean Androuet du Cerceau had a grand grand staircase built and the facade facing Rue Saint-Antoine redesigned. The heir Henri de Mayenne had balconies attached to the street, which are decorated with the Lorraine cross . Further construction work took place in 1707/09 under Charles Henri de Lorraine, led by the architect Germain Boffrand .

Todays use

In 1870 the Frères des écoles chrétiennes established a school in the building. Today there is a primary school (école primaire), a college and a lycée in the Hôtel de Mayenne and the neighboring buildings. The building has been extensively renovated since 2011.


  • Pierre Kjellberg: Le Guide du Marais . La Bibliothèque des Arts, Paris 1967, p. 77 (without ISBN).
  • Jean Colson, Marie-Christine Lauroa (eds.): Dictionnaire des Monuments de Paris , Paris 2003 (1st edition 1992), ISBN 2-84334-001-2 , p. 475

Web links

Commons : Hôtel de Mayenne  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 48 ° 51 '12.7 "  N , 2 ° 21' 56.6"  E