
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hof stands for:

  • Farm , a small rural business and its architectural types
  • Homestead , a small settlement or a rural property
  • Hofstelle , a building of a farm with a living area
  • Hof (Höfeordnung) , an agricultural operation within the meaning of the farm regulations of some German states
  • Court , the seat of a noble family, usually a ruling prince or ruler, or the entirety of the courtly entourage

such as:

  • in medicine, an area that appears to have changed in the vicinity of inflamed tissue, see inflammation
  • in anatomy the areola ( areola ) of the nipple
  • in microbiology, a hemolytically cleared area around a group of bacteria on blood agar
  • in ophthalmology, the rainbow-colored rings seen around light sources in glaucoma, see Donders ring
  • in astronomy a wreath of light around the sun or moon, see corona (atmospheric optics)

Hof is the name of the following geographical objects:

Hof is the family name of the following people:

HOF is the abbreviation for:

HoF stands for:

See also:

Wiktionary: Hof  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations