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founding 1987
Seat Vienna
Website www.hope87.at

HOPE'87 - Hundreds of Original Projects for Employment - is an Austrian initiative to support youth employment and youth education worldwide. HOPE'87 was founded in 1987 in response to the International Youth Year and the recommendations of the United Nations General Assembly (1985).


“... address the global problem of youth unemployment and its political, economic and social consequences through financial and technical support through direct and indirect youth education and youth employment programs, both in urban and rural areas; to increase international awareness and synergy effects through alliances and especially close cooperation with the United Nations, ... "

target group

The definition of 'youth' depends on the respective cultural and social context. Projects have to be adapted to the local conditions and thus to the particular living conditions of the target group - mainly young people. Young people are not only part of an integrated social system as project partners. You have both social obligations and rights that go well beyond the scope of the project. In order to guarantee the sustainable impact of a project, efforts must be made to integrate all those involved, who are directly or indirectly affected by the planned activities, into the decision-making processes. A needs-based development cooperation that contributes to the fight against poverty and to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) must be supported by a broad consensus of all partners and must pay particular attention to social, institutional and financial sustainability .

Operational structure

HOPE'87, with the General Secretariat in Vienna, operates through a network of country offices and is represented in ten countries in Africa (Ethiopia, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal), Asia (Bangladesh, Pakistan), Latin America (Chile) and Central and Eastern Europe (Bosnia, Moldova) represented by local country representatives who are also supported by their respective governments. As national experts, they are responsible for the identification, supervision and evaluation of projects and support the respective project partners with the necessary technical know-how. It is also their task to maintain close working relationships with national governments and authorities, NGOs , representations of international organizations, the UN organizations, EU delegations and ECHO (EC Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid).

working area

Development cooperation

School education, vocational training and access to credit

  • Improvement of the school infrastructure
  • Professional vocational and technical training
  • Management training and access to microcredit, particularly - but not only - in the informal sector
  • Promotion of small and micro enterprises through management training, access to credit
  • Start-ups and investments
  • Information and advice for relevant networks and organizations

Rural development

  • Sustainable management and protection of natural resources
  • Diversification, stabilization and improvement of ecologically sustainable production through adapted resource protection,
  • Education for and specialized training of young smallholders in agricultural and non-agricultural production
  • Access to information and small loans

Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid

Another focus is on humanitarian projects in war and crisis areas, whereby not only essential goods, emergency shelter, medical aid and food are made available, but these activities are always combined with further measures to quickly restore the local infrastructure. Humanitarian aid operations are currently being carried out in Pakistan, Burkina Faso and Bangladesh.


  • Since spring 1991, HOPE'87 has been affiliated with the United Nations through a "Memorandum of Understanding" between the Republic of Austria (for HOPE'87) on the one hand and the United Nations on the other.
  • In 1992 the General Director of UNESCO awarded HOPE'87 the status “In Consultative Status with UNESCO”.
  • Since 1997, HOPE'87 has been affiliated with the UNECA (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa) and the AU (African Union).
  • Since 2007, HOPE'87 has been a framework partner of ECHO , the European Commission's Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid.
  • Since the beginning of 2008, HOPE'87 has been accredited by the ADA for the implementation of humanitarian measures.
  • HOPE'87 is a board member of the AG Global Responsibility , the umbrella organization of Austrian NGOs.

Donation seal of approval and deductibility for donations

HOPE'87 carries the Austrian seal of approval for donations , which certifies the responsible handling of donations. To confirm the correct use of the funds, the organization is subject to an external audit and auditing every year. Donations to HOPE'87 are tax deductible.

Web links

Individual evidence