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Halevi (also Halevi , HaLevi , ha-Levi , Halewi , Halevy , HaLevy or ha-Levy , from Hebrew הלוי- "the Levite " or "the Levi ") stands for:

  • a Jewish male descendant of the Levi tribe
  • an honorary title of male descendants of Levitic priestly families; female descendants bear the title bat-Levi
  • a Jewish or Hebrew family name

Name bearer

of the family name:

such as

of honorary title:

  • Adolf Abraham Halevi Fraenkel (1891–1965), German-Israeli mathematician
  • Yehuda ha-Levi (1074–1141,יהודה הלוי), Sephardic poet and philosopher
  • Shmuel Wosner
  • Meir ha-Levi Abulafia (1165-1244;רמ"ה), Spanish rabbi, Talmudic scholar and Kabbalist
  • Shmuel ha-Nagid (993-1056), Spanish poet and Grand Vizier of the Kingdom of Granada
  • Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (1884–1954), Orthodox rabbi and Kabbalist, see Yehuda Ashlag
  • Joseph Halevi Horowitz Weiler (* 1951), American legal scholar, see Joseph HH Weiler
  • Pinchas Ben Zwi Hirsch Ha-Levi , rabbi in Frankfurt am Main, see Pinchas Horowitz
  • Yom-Tov Lipmann Heller , Talmudist and rabbi in Vienna, Prague and Krakow, see Jomtow Lipmann Heller
  • Abraham ibn Daud ha-Levi (1110–1180), Jewish philosopher, chronicler and legal scholar, see Abraham ibn Daud
  • Jissachar ben Jehuda haLevi (1661–1730) trader, banker, coin agent, army supplier as well as negotiating diplomat and court factor, see Issachar Berend Lehmann
  • Meir Halevi Letteris (1800–1871), Jewish writer, poet, literary scholar and orientalist, see Max Letteris
  • Ezekiel ben Jehuda ha-Levi Landau (1713–1793), dean of Jewish legal doctrine, chief rabbi in Prague, see Ezekiel Landau
  • Josef ben ha-Levi Haivri (d. 1493), Spanish Judeoconverso, see Luis de Torres
  • Chaim Herzog (1918–1997), lawyer, officer and the sixth President of Israel, son of Rabbi Isaak HaLevy Herzog
  • Abraham Gombiner (1637–1683), Polish Talmudist and legal scholar

See also: