Hair room

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A Haar space , or Haarscher space (named after Alfréd Haar ) is defined as follows in approximation theory :

If linearly independent functions continuous on an interval have the property that each element has at most zeros , then the set is called hair-space.

A system of such functions that span a hair space is also called the Haar's system or Chebyshev system . If a continuous function is approximated by elements of a hair space, there is always exactly one best approximation with respect to the maximum norm .

Interpolation in hair spaces

If you have different points (support points) and data in pairs , there is exactly one with . This is equivalent to the regularity of the Vandermonde matrix .

Proof The map is linear . Because each has at most n-1 zeros, the core of the map is just the null function , i.e. H. L is injective . Because of , L is surjective , i.e. bijective as a whole . From this follows the existence and uniqueness of the interpolation function g.


  • The vector space of the polynomials at most nth degree is a hair space. is a Haar system.
  • However, the system is not a Haarscher room.
  • The trigonometric polynomials form a Haar space with the Haar system (polynomials in ).
  • are both Haar systems.


For the first time, Haar formulated and proved the Haar condition in 1918 in: The Minkowski Geometry and the Approach to Continuous Functions , Mathematische Annalen , Volume 78, Pages 294-311. Other proofs formulated by Vlastimil Pták 1958 ( A remark on approximation of continuous functions in Czechoslovak Math. Journal, Volume 8, Pages 251-256) and Singer 1960 ( On best approximation of continuous functions in Mathematische Annalen, Volume 140, Pages 165-168) .


  • Günther Hämmerlin, Karl-Heinz Hoffmann: Numerical Mathematics. Springer, Berlin 1994, ISBN 3-540-58033-6

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Elliot Ward Cheney: Introduction to Approximation Theory , McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1966, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 65-25916, ISBN 007-010757-2 , pages 227 + 242 + 248 + 251