Hackers on Planet Earth

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Jacob Appelbaum at the 2008 event

Hackers on Planet Earth (German: Hacker on Planet Earth ) or HOPE (German: Hope) is a series of conferences funded by the Hacker magazine 2600 . Emmanuel Goldstein (pseudonym of Eric Corley ), the magazine's editor-in-chief, is believed to be the leader of the event. Ten events have taken place since 1994.


  1. The first conference, called HOPE Hackers on Planet Earth, was held on August 13-14, 1994 in New York City to mark the 10th anniversary of 2600 magazine . More than 1000 participants, including speakers from all over the world, attended. The registration included access to the 28.8 kb / s local network.
  2. At the second conference Beyond HOPE in the Puck Building , also in New York, three years later (August 8-10, 1997) already 2000 participants took part. This time the event was financed by the Bell Group . There was also a live broadcast of Off the Hook for the first time . This time, the registration included access to the 10 Mb / s local network. After the conference, the hacker Emmanuel Goldstein is said to have slept 14 hours.
  3. The H2K took place from July 14 to 16, 2000 at the Hotel Pennsylvania (New York City). More than 2300 people attended this conference and it was the first HOPE conference to be open 24/7. Jello Biafra gave a talk on the history of cultural exchanges between punk rock icons / free speech activists and the hacker community. The Electronic Frontier Foundation collected thousands of dollars, and the application included time access to a T1 - Internet connection.
The Last HOPE , 2008.
  1. The H2K2 took place from July 12 to 14, 2002 in the same building as its predecessor. This conference also ran all day. Her main topic was the Homeland Security Advisory System . There were always two lectures at the same time, a third room offered the opportunity to give spontaneous lectures.
  2. The Fifth Hope (June 9-11, 2004) was, as the English title suggests, the fifth conference. Their subject was propaganda . Again there was a live broadcast from Off the Hook. Lectures were given by Kevin Mitnick , Steve Wozniak and Jello Biafra , among others .
  3. The Hope Number Six (21 July 2006 to 23 July 2006) was held at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City.
  4. The seventh conference, The Last HOPE , took place from July 18-20 , 2008 in the now established location. For the first time an internet forum was set up to participate in the preparations for the event. Steven Levy made a keynote address. Lectures were given by Kevin Mitnick, Steve Rambam , Jello Biafra, and Adam Savage , among others .
  5. The eighth conference, The Next HOPE , took place from July 16-18, 2010 again at the Hotel Pennsylvania. In connection with the US crackdown on WikiLeaks , Julian Assange canceled his participation after being wanted by Homeland Security officials . Jacob Appelbaum spoke in his place , who had spoken about cold start attacks two years earlier . After his speech he was replaced by a double in order to be able to leave the event unnoticed and arrested on short notice the following month while entering the United States.
  6. The ninth conference, HOPE Number Nine, took place July 13-15, 2012 at the Hotel Pennsylvania. Keynotes were given by activist group The Yes Men (represented by Jacques Servin and Vermin Supreme ) and NSA whistleblower William Binney .
  7. The tenth conference, HOPE X , took place July 18-20 , 2014 at the Hotel Pennsylvania. Lectures held u. a. Daniel Ellsberg and Edward Snowden . Johannes Grenzfurthner gave a critical lecture on the "rock star martyrdom" in the hacker scene and criticized personalities such as Julian Assange , Jacob Appelbaum and the keynote speaker Edward Snowden.
  8. The eleventh conference, HOPE XI , took place July 22-24, 2016 at the Hotel Pennsylvania.
  9. The twelfth conference, The Circle of HOPE (HOPE 12) , took place from July 20-22, 2018 at the Hotel Pennsylvania.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.2600.com/offthehook/1997/0897.html
  2. Heise online on July 19, 2010: Hope for normal operation for Wikileaks. Retrieved March 20, 2011 .
  3. ^ Heise.de on August 1, 2010: US authorities interrogate Wikileaks activists. Retrieved March 20, 2011 .
  4. ^ Audio of Appelbaum's lecture 2008. Retrieved on March 20, 2011 .
  5. Fuckhackerfucks! To audience bashing. In: HOPE X - Serpico. Vimeo, accessed February 19, 2019 .