Hamish Milne

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Hamish Milne (born April 27, 1939 in Salisbury , † February 12, 2020 ) was a British classical pianist .

Milne studied at Bishop Wordsworth's School in Salisbury, then with Harold Craxton at the Royal Academy of Music in London and later also at the Academia Chigiana in Siena , Italy, under Guido Agosti . He attended master classes from Pablo Casals , Sergiu Celibidache and Andrés Segovia .

He taught at the Royal Academy of Music in London. He has performed with most of the UK's leading orchestras and toured four continents. He is also known as a chamber musician.

Milne made over two hundred recordings for the BBC. He recorded CDs for Chandos , Decca and Hyperion . He was known for his commitment to Nikolai Medtner , of whose piano music he was the first pianist to offer a comprehensive overview in the 1970s.

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Individual evidence

  1. Hamish Milne passed away
  2. Famous Wordsworthians. In: Bishop Wordsworth's School website.