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Emperor Hanazono

Emperor Hanazono ( Japanese 花園 天皇 Hanazono-tennō ; * August 14, 1297 ; † December 2, 1348 ) was the 95th Tennō of Japan (December 28, 1308– March 29, 1318) and the last from the Kamakura period . His proper name was Tomihito ( 富仁 ).

One of his wives was the younger sister of the Senkōmon-in Saneko called Ichijō no tsubone . At first she was court lady and playmate of Go-Fushimi (r. 1298-1301). Then she served Hanazono (r. 1308-18), with whom she had the Prince Kakuyo-hōshinnō ( 覚 誉 法 親王 ).

Hanazono ascended the Japanese throne after the death of his predecessor Go-Nijō . The imperial court in Kyoto was reduced to a purely ceremonial function. The Minamoto family inherited the title Seii Taishōgun ( Shōgun for short ) in their ranks since 1192 and ruled Japan from Bakufu in Kamakura . In 1318 he was succeeded by Go-Daigo , the first emperor of the Muromachi period . Hanazono lived after that for thirty years before he died in 1348.

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predecessor Office successor
Go-nijō Emperor of Japan