Hanna Honthy

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Hanna Honthy (around 1933)

Hanna Honthy (* as Hajnalka Hügel on February 21, 1893 in Budapest , Kingdom of Hungary , † December 30, 1978 in Budapest) was a Hungarian actress and operetta primadonna.


Honthy was born as the daughter of the printer János Hügel and his wife, the seamstress Emma, ​​in the Budapest district of Elisabethstadt . At the age of ten she was admitted to the ballet school of the Hungarian State Opera . She received private acting lessons from Szidi Rákosi from 1914 to 1915 and from Ödön Bárdi from 1915 to 1917. Later Georg Anthes was her singing teacher. From 1925 to 1927 and from 1949 she was a member of the Fővárosi Operettszínház in Budapest ( Capital Operetta Theater ).

Honthy was married three times.

Works (selection)

Hanna Honthy and Jenő Törzs ( Michael Eisemann : A kiss and nothing else, Magyar Színház, 1933)



  • Budapesti hangos filmkabaré (1931)
  • Régi nyár (1941)
  • Déryné (1951)
  • Díszelőadás (1955)
  • Bástyasétány '74 (1974)

Television films

  • Csárdáskirálynő (1963)
  • Nyolcvanéves Cecília (1973)

Honors (selection)

Honthy received the Kossuth Prize in 1953 .


Honthy's grave in Budapest , Farkasréti Cemetery 25-1-61 designed by Imre Varga
  • Molnár Gál Péter: Honthy Hanna és kora. Budapest 1967, ISBN 963-14-2066-3 .
  • Gál György Sándor: Honthy Hanna - Egy diadalmas élet regénye. Budapest 1973, ISBN 963-330-019-3 .

Web links

Commons : Hanna Honthy  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files