Hanno Schmitt

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Hanno Schmitt
Hanno Schmitt in 2016 at a conference in the Rochow Museum Reckahn

Hanno Schmitt (born October 27, 1942 in Marburg / Lahn ) is a German educational scientist and educational historian. Until 2008 he was Professor of Historical Pedagogy with a focus on the history of pedagogy and the history of education and training at the University of Potsdam . Schmitt is a co-founder of the Rochow Museum Reckahn .


Scientific career

After studying (educational science, German, political science and history at the Universities of Marburg and Munich 1963–1968) and teaching, Schmitt was seconded to the Institute for Educational Science at the Phillips University in Marburg in 1971 (from 1978 senior teacher in the university service). In 1978 he did his doctorate with Wolfgang Klafki (topic of the dissertation: "School reform in enlightened absolutism. Achievements, contradictions and limits of philanthropic reform practice in the Duchy of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel 1785–1790"), he completed his habilitation in the educational sciences department of the Phillips University of Marburg with a habilitation thesis on the subject “Letters from and to Joachim Heinrich Campe; Edition and Commentary ”. From 1993 to 2008 he was Professor of Historical Pedagogy with a focus on the history of pedagogy and the history of education at the University of Potsdam . Since his retirement he has devoted himself intensively to expanding the Rochow Museum into a conference center.


Hanno Schmitt is married to the educationalist Annedore Prengel , has a son and lives in Potsdam .

Main focus of work and research

Schmitt's work and research focuses on the education of the Enlightenment and philanthropism, the reform pedagogy as well as the edition of educational historical sources. His contributions to historical educational research are primarily characterized by a close-to-source and historical-empirical reconstruction of the real history of upbringing, education and teaching from the 18th to the 20th century.

Education of the Enlightenment and Philanthropism

Schmitt's numerous studies on the pedagogy of the Enlightenment and philanthropism can be bundled under the keywords "reason and humanity". According to Schmitt, the pedagogy of the Enlightenment is mainly characterized by an optimism of education, for which the philanthropists designed a realistic and practical educational program. Schmitt's philanthropic studies are characterized by the development of new, mostly unprinted sources such as letters, diaries and account books, travel journals, guest and visitor books, files, etc. His contributions address the development, dissemination and implementation, but also the limits of enlightened, v. a. of philanthropic educational ideas and practices in the second half of the 18th century. The main topics are communication networks as well as reform and popular education initiatives of the philanthropists. In addition to the philanthropic school reforms (especially in the Principality of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel and in the Mark Brandenburg), Schmitt devotes his research to Joachim Heinrich Campe (1746–1818), the most important educator of the late Enlightenment, and the philanthropic enlightener Friedrich Eberhard von Rochow (1734–1805) . Schmitt designed an exhibition and catalog for both of them (1996, 2001).

Rochow Museum Reckahn

Schmitt popularized his research on Enlightenment pedagogy by co -founding the Rochow Museum Reckahn near Brandenburg an der Havel . This foundation goes back to the first joint state exhibition "Prussia 2001 - Facets of an Era" of the states of Berlin and Brandenburg. It was opened on August 3, 2001 in the Rochow mansion - completely renovated by the Brandenburgische Schlösser GmbH - with the permanent exhibition "Reason for the People - Friedrich Eberhard von Rochow in the New Age of Prussia" sponsored by the "Historisches Reckahn" eV association. Schmitt and his colleague Frank Tosch were responsible for the idea, scientific conception and publication of the volume accompanying the exhibition. At the original place of life and work of the couple Friedrich Eberhard and Christiane Louise von Rochow , the agricultural reform, economic, socio-political and educational projects - v. a. the educational program of philanthropism, characterized by tolerance and enlightenment - presented in a museum. The Rochow Museum was included in the “Blue Book. Cultural lighthouses ”of East Germany by the federal government and was included in the list of “ cultural memorial sites ” with particular national importance. In addition to the Rochow Museum in Reckahn Castle, the school museum has existed in the former model school of the manor since 1992 (sponsor: Potsdam-Mittelmark district). In terms of content, the permanent exhibitions and the educational offers of both museums complement each other. Since the Rochow Museum was founded, scientific conferences have been held at which current research findings are discussed. The Reckahn museums attract a lot of interest with around 10,000 visitors annually. Over ten larger special exhibitions on historical and contemporary topics as well as art exhibitions have steadily increased the visitor interest.

Reform pedagogy

Schmitt's research on reform pedagogy with a working group at the University of Marburg initiated a paradigm shift in research on reform pedagogy. While reform pedagogy as an epoch from the end of the 19th to the first third of the 20th century was examined primarily in terms of the history of ideas and motives as well as ideology, Schmitt u. a. Impulses for historical-empirical research into the real history of reform pedagogy between the German Empire and National Socialism. These impulses were bundled in 1993 in the anthology "Overcome the old school". Above all, new sources were used to research real change processes in reform-pedagogical schools: archival records of school records, personnel files, school chronicles, activity reports, student work, photographs, memories and other sources from everyday school life. With a view to reform pedagogy one could now ask: “Reform pedagogy - book wisdom or school reality? ". Schmitt was the first to provide empirical evidence that at least 200 reform and experimental schools existed in Germany between 1918 and 1933. The pedagogical practice of these schools was characterized by teaching-learning arrangements, which are characteristics of good schools even today. Schmitt placed his research on reform pedagogy within a larger time horizon and combined it with his studies on education in the Enlightenment by interpreting “experimental schools as instruments of school pedagogical innovation between the Enlightenment and the present”.

(Source) editions

  • In 2007, Schmitt and Lindemann-Stark began researching the correspondence of the philanthropic public educator and elementary school reformer Friedrich Eberhard von Rochow. The well-known printed correspondence could be increased from 303 to 748 letters from all important life contexts. In addition, the two editors were able to discover several thousand pages of unprinted sources on the life and work of the couple Friedrich Eberhard and Christiane Louise von Rochow in archives and libraries. In Rochow's annotated correspondence, educational, social and agrarian reform, popular education and school reform accentuated Enlightenment for a period of at least 46 years (1759–1805) become clear in their inner interlinking. The project, funded by the DFG from 2008 to 2013, is currently being prepared for printing.
  • In 1996 and 2007, Schmitt presented a two-volume, annotated edition of the letters from and to Joachim Heinrich Campe. (Volume 2 edited with Anke Lindemann-Stark and Christophe Losfeld). The correspondence increased from 333 printed letters to a total of 993 letters and registers, extends over a period from 1766 to 1814 and is provided with source-based commentary. The research relevance of the correspondence consists, among other things, in the fact that the aspects of educational, political, literary, theological, journalistic and publishing-oriented Enlightenment, which have been examined separately in previous Enlightenment research, become clear in their internal interlocking 'as a unit'.
  • Schmitt is co-initiator and co-editor of the Bremen series Philanthropism and Popular Enlightenment - Studies and Documents (edited by Hanno Schmitt, Erhard Hirsch, Holger Böning together with Jens Brachmann, Rita Casale, Christine Haug, Jürgen Overhoff and Reinhart Siegert). The series currently brings together 11 volumes on the subjects of economics, public enlightenment and elementary school reforms of the 18th and early 19th centuries, including 2 dissertations on Friedrich Eberhard von Rochow, 3 conference volumes, including on self-taught people from the "lower classes" and the source publication of the most successful reading book by Public Enlightenment, Rudolph Zacharias Becker's two-volume Noth- und Helfsbüchlein (1788/1798).
  • Schmitt is co-editor of the series "Educational and Cultural History Contributions for Berlin and Brandenburg" and the "Sources and Studies on Berlin-Brandenburg Educational History".
  • Yearbook for Historical Educational Research, 1993 ff.
    As chairman (1993–1997) of the historical commission of the German Society for Educational Science (now:
    Section Historical Educational Research in the DGfE ), Schmitt was co-founder and editor of the " Yearbook for Historical Educational Research " in 1993 .
  • Pictures as sources of educational history As one of the first educational historians, Schmitt also advocated the increased use of pictures and photographs as sources in historical educational research. This approach, which has since been further differentiated in terms of method, is bundled in the documentation of the contributions to the 1995 annual conference of the Historical Commission of the German Society for Educational Science on the subject of "Images as sources of educational history"


Order of Merit of the State of Brandenburg

As a co-founder of the Rochow Museum in Reckahn, Schmitt was awarded the Order of Merit of the State of Brandenburg on June 12, 2009 .

Festschrift for the 65th birthday

Jörg-W. Link & Frank Tosch (Ed.): Educational history (s) in sources: Hanno Schmitt on his 65th birthday. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt 2007. ISBN 978-3-7815-1564-2

Works / writings (selection)

  • Böning, Holger; D'Aprile, Ivan-Michelangelo; Schmitt, Hanno & Siegert, Reinhart (Hrsg.) (2015): Self-reading - self-thinking - self-writing: processes of self-education by "self-taught" under the influence of enlightenment and popular education from the 17th to the 19th century: with 600 short biographies of self-taught im German-speaking area until 1850 and directories of farmers' libraries. Bremen: Edition Lumière. ISBN 978-3-943245-35-6 .
  • Schmitt, Hanno & Böning, Holger (eds.) (2014): Dessau-Wörlitz and Reckahn: meeting places for enlightenment, public enlightenment and philanthropism; Working discussion on November 1, 2013 in the Rochow Museum, Reckahn, Erhard Hirsch retrospectively on his 85th birthday; Results of this working meeting. Bremen: Edition Lumière. ISBN 978-3-943245-24-0 .
  • Schmitt, Hanno (Ed.) (2011): The discovery of the people, education and economy in the European network of the Enlightenment. Bremen: Ed. Lumière. ISBN 978-3-934686-87-8 .
  • Schmitt, Hanno & Tosch, Frank (eds.) With the collaboration of Goldbeck, Johanna (2009): New results from Rochow research. Berlin: Weidler. ISBN 978-3-89693-539-7 .
  • Böning, Holger; Schmitt, Hanno & Siegert, Reinhart (eds.) (2007): People's Enlightenment: A practical reform movement of the 18th and 19th centuries. Bremen: Ed. Lumière. ISBN 978-3-934686-44-1 .
  • Schmitt, Hanno (2007): Reason and Humanity: Studies on the Philanthropic Education Movement. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt. ISBN 978-3-7815-1549-9 .
  • Schmitt, Hanno; Horlacher, Rebekka & Tröhler, Daniel (Eds.) (2007): Pedagogical Public Enlightenment in the 18th Century in a European Context: Rochow and Pestalozzi in Comparison. Bern, Stuttgart, Vienna: main. ISBN 978-3-258-07282-1 .
  • Schmitt, Hanno; Lindemann-Stark, Anke & Losfeld, Christophe (2007): Letters from and to Joachim Heinrich Campe: Volume 2: 1789–1814. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. ISBN 3-447-05682-7 .
  • Schmitt, Hanno & Tosch, Frank (eds.) (2001): Reason for the people: Friedrich Eberhard von Rochow 1734–1805 in the awakening of Prussia; [Accompanying book to the exhibition "Reason for the People - Friedrich Eberhard von Rochow in the Awakening of Prussia"]. Berlin: Henschel-Verl. ISBN 3-89487-394-9 .
  • Schmitt, Hanno & Tosch, Frank (eds.) (1999): Educational reform and society initiative in Prussia 1798-1840. Berlin: Weidler. ISBN 3-89693-128-8 .
  • Schmitt, Hanno; Link, Jörg-W. & Tosch, Frank (Ed.) (1997): Images as sources of the educational history. Bad Heilbrunn, Obb: Klinkhardt. ISBN 3-7815-0898-6 .
  • Schmitt, Hanno (1996): Letters from and to Joachim Heinrich Campe .: Volume 1: Letters from 1766–1788. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. ISBN 3-447-03902-7 .
  • Schmitt, Hanno (1996): Visionary wisdom: Joachim Heinrich Campe in his time (1746-1818); [Exhibition by the Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum and the Herzog-August-Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel from June 29th to October 13th, 1996]. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. ISBN 978-3-447-03822-5 .
  • Amlung, Ullrich; Haubfleisch, Dietmar; Link, Jörg-W. & Schmitt, Hanno (Ed.) (1993): "Overcome the old school": Reform educational experimental schools between the German Empire and National Socialism. Frankfurt am Main: dipa-Verl. ISBN 3-7638-0185-5 .
  • Dickmann, Friedrich; Schmitt, Hanno (Ed.) (1985): Church and School in National Socialist Marburg. Marburg: Magistrate of the university town of Marburg; Delivery by the press office of the city of Marburg. ISBN 978-3-923820-12-2 .
  • Schmitt, Hanno (1979): School reform in enlightened absolutism: Achievements, contradictions and limits of philanthropic reform practice in the Duchy of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel 1785–1790; with a comprehensive source appendix. Weinheim: Beltz. ISBN 978-3-407-65613-1 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hanno Schmitt: Reason and humanity: studies on the philanthropic education movement . Klinkhardt, Bad Heilbrunn, ISBN 978-3-7815-1549-9 .
  2. Hanno Schmitt, Frank Tosch (Ed.): Vernunft fürs Volk. Friedrich Eberhard von Rochow 1734–1805 on the rise of Prussia . Henschel-Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 3-89487-394-9 .
  3. Heiner Barz: Historical and Systematic References (= Section 1) . In the S. (Ed.): Handbook of educational reform and reform pedagogy . Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2017, ISBN 978-3-658-07491-3 .
  4. Ullrich Amlung, Dietmar Haubfleisch, Jörg-W. Link, Hanno Schmitt (Ed.): Overcoming the old school. Reform educational experimental schools between the German Empire and National Socialism . dipa-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1993.
  5. Bruno Schonig: Reform Education - Book Wisdom or School Reality? Notes on two historical-pedagogical approaches to deal with pedagogy in the Weimar Republic . In: Communications and Materials . No. 42 , 1994, pp. 79-88 .
  6. Hanno Schmitt: Experimental schools as instruments of school pedagogical innovation between enlightenment and the present . In: Yearbook for Historical Educational Research . tape 1 . Juventa, Weinheim / Munich, p. 153-178 .
  7. ^ Hanno Schmitt: Letters from and to Joachim Heinrich Campe .: Volume 1: Letters from 1766–1788. tape 1 . Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1996, ISBN 3-447-03902-7 .
  8. Hanno Schmitt, Anke Lindemann-Stark, Christophe Losfeld: Letters from and to Joachim Heinrich Campe . tape 2: 1789-1814 . Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2007, ISBN 3-447-05682-7 .
  9. Hanno Schmitt, Jörg-W. Link, Frank Tosch (Ed.): Images as sources of the educational history . Klinkhardt, Bad Heilbrunn 1997, ISBN 3-7815-0898-6 .