Hanover shines

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Hanover Opera House

Hannover shines is a light art festival in Hanover , which took place for the first time in November 2018 on four evenings. During the festival , various buildings, landmarks and objects will be staged on several evenings using light art projections, illuminations and video mapping . The event is the first light art festival in the city of Hanover and the largest in Lower Saxony. According to different statements, the Festival of Lights in Berlin and Berlin Leuchtet served as a model .

When Hannover Lights was held for the first time , 11 objects designated as points of light were artistically illuminated. These included the Landesfunkhaus Niedersachsen , the St. Clemens Basilica , the Marktkirche , the Aegidienkirche , the Kröpcke-Uhr , the Lower Saxony State Museum , the HDI-Arena , the Hanover Opera House , the Goseriede at the Nikolaikapelle , a double-decker bus on the Opernplatz and a " Light shower "at the Maschsee . Several objects were optically connected to one another by laser beams to orient the visitors .

The light festival was planned by a lighting technology company from Garbsen and implemented together with light artists. It was financed through donations and sponsors whose buildings were illuminated. Part of the income went to aid projects in the Hanover region , such as the HAZ Christmas aid .

At the first light art festival in 2018, the number of visitors was estimated at up to 80,000 people. Another event was planned for November 2019, in which even more buildings were to be included. For financial reasons, however, the organizers postponed the light art festival to 2020.


  • Jan Sedelies : The city shines / Tonight the festival "Hannover lights up" starts , in: Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung (HAZ) from November 17, 2018, p. 17
  • o. V .: Hanover has an enlightenment from this evening , in: Neue Presse from November 14, 2018, p. 19
  • Michael Zgoll: "We are overwhelmed by the response" / The light art festival attracts up to 80,000 visitors and should experience a new edition in 2019 , interview with Felix Reinhold with the organizer Allstars Eventservice in the HAZ on November 19, 2018, p. 11
  • Thomas Nagel: Hanover shines! The light art festival inspires visitors. Organizer plans to repeat next year , in: NP from November 19, 2018, p. 9

Web links

Commons : Hannover lights up  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Lisa Neugebauer: Hanover shines: Dancing lights illuminate the city in Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung from November 14, 2018
  2. "Hannover shines" in the dark of night at ndr.de on November 18, 2018
  3. Hannover shines 2019. Accessed on August 14, 2019 .
  4. Hannover shines: “We are overwhelmed by the response” in Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung from November 18, 2018
  5. “Hannover shines” is canceled this year. Retrieved September 23, 2019 .