Hans-Adolf von Stosch

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Hans-Adolf von Stosch (* 1908 in Berlin ; † 1987 ) was a German botanist , phycologist and university professor .

life and work

Von Stosch spent his youth in Wernigerode . He studied biology and chemistry in Kiel , Göttingen and Munich and was founded in 1933 with a thesis on the history of slime molds doctorate . He then worked as a research assistant at the University of Königsberg , where he also completed his habilitation . After taking part in the war and being a prisoner of war , he took over the chair for botany at the TH Darmstadt in 1947 . In 1955 he became professor for pharmacognosy at the University of Marburg , later he was given a chair for protophyte science there .

The Hans-Adolf von Stosch Medal , which is awarded for special merits in the field of phycology , is named after him.

Fonts (selection)

  • Investigations into the history of the development of the myxomycetes . Sexuality and apogamy in the Didymiaceans . University thesis. Munich, Phil. II. Sect., Dissertation , 1933 / From: Planta , Volume 23, Issue 5, Würzburg 1935
  • Shape and change of shape of the diatom Achnanthes longipes depending on the diet. With special consideration of trace substances. In: Ber. German Bot. Ger. 60, 1942, pp. 2-16.


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Individual evidence

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