Hans Ankwicz-Kleehoven

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Hans Ankwicz-Kleehoven , originally Johann Felix Ankwicz von Kleehoven , (born September 29, 1883 in Böheimkirchen , Lower Austria , Austria-Hungary ; † October 1, 1962 in Vienna ) was an Austrian art historian and librarian .


Hans Ankwicz-Kleehoven studied history and art history in Vienna and Berlin from 1902 to 1906 . In Vienna he was named in history with the work Dr. Johann Cuspinian. Doctorate his life and works . He then entered the civil service and worked in the library of the Ministry of Education. From 1915 he worked for the Museum of Art and Industry , interrupted from 1915 to 1918 by military service. In 1925 he became head of the library of the Museum of Art and Industry. In 1939 he was forced to retire due to his maternal Jewish origin. In 1945 he became director of the library of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna with the title of General State Librarian . Hans Ankwicz-Kleehoven was buried on the family's grave (which has now expired) in the Pötzleinsdorfer cemetery .

From 1920 to 1938 and again since 1945 he wrote as an art consultant for the Wiener Zeitung .

Fonts (selection)

  • Historical and art-historical work, including Cuspinian's correspondence . 1933
  • Hodler and Vienna , 1950
  • Documenta Cuspiniana. Documentary and literary building blocks for a monograph on the Viennese humanist Dr. Johann Cuspinian . Rohrer, Vienna 1957.
  • The Viennese humanist Johannes Cuspinian. Scholar and diplomat at the time of Emperor Maximilian I Böhlau, Graz, Cologne 1959.


  • Richard Kurt Donin: In memorium Hans Ankwicz-Kleehoven . In: Communications from the Society for Comparative Art Research in Vienna 15, 1962, pp. 77–78.
  • Claudia Karolyi, Alexandra Mayerhofer: The luck of collecting. The Ankwicz-Kleehoven bookplate collection in the ÖNB . In: Biblos. Contributions to book, library and writing 46, 1, 1997, pp. 91–114.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Grave site: Group G, No. 106.