Hans Barkhausen

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Hans Barkhausen (born October 29, 1906 in Munich , † December 14, 1999 in Koblenz ; actually Hanswolf Barkhausen-Büsing ) was a German film archivist and publicist who dealt with film history topics.


The son of an art dealer left the secondary school after the Obersekunda . He took part in the Hitler putsch , which earned him a three-day prison sentence.

From 1924 to 1928 he worked as a commercial trainee and later as a dispatcher at Nordwolle in Bremen . In 1928 he went to Berlin and in 1931 became an employee of the Ufa theater company. His tasks included, among other things, the sound control during rehearsals for the premieres of films.

In March 1933 he joined the NSDAP. In 1934 he became a film advisor for the party's head of training. On April 1, 1935, he moved to the Propaganda Ministry , where he was a film advisor at the Propaganda Committee for the Olympic Games . In this role, he directed two short Olympic advertising films and conducted interviews for the newsreel .

In 1937 he viewed and cataloged banned films by staff, cast and content. From April 1938 he worked as a consultant and department head in the Reichsfilmarchiv and from 1941 cataloged around 1,500 foreign films. On November 11, 1943, he was drafted into the war and never returned to the Reichsfilmarchiv. From summer 1944 deployed in an anti-aircraft department in Augsburg .

After the end of the war he lived in Hameln and wrote newspaper articles, especially on regional topics. In 1947 he wrote his first major film article The Unreal in Film about the expressionist film of the 1920s. In 1948 he took over the editorial department for the British licensed national newspaper in Winsen (Luhe) . He wrote film and theater reviews for the performances at the Deutsches Schauspielhaus in Hamburg .

In 1950 he became an editor at Winsener Anzeiger, in 1958 he was appointed advisor to the film department at the Koblenz Federal Archives . His main concern was the return of the films confiscated by the USA after 1945. During his stays in the USA, Barkhausen viewed around 7,000 films in American archives, which he was able to bring back to the Federal Republic of Germany on the basis of a new US law from 1964.

After he had two employees at his disposal in 1958, his department had grown to 40 members by the time he left for reasons of age in 1972. Barkhausen, father of four children, then published several papers on film history topics.



  • 1947: The Unreal in Film , in: Dionysios , Berlin
  • 1947: The German Film Abroad , in: Filmpost , Frankfurt
  • 1947: Splendide film industry in the 3rd Reich , in: Hamburger Echo , September 16, 1947
  • 1960: On the history of the former Reichsfilmarchiv. Foundation, structure, working method , in: Der Archivar , No. 1, April 1960, Col. 1–14
  • 1966: Nitrofilm is dangerous , in: Der Archivar , No. 1, February 1966, Col. 125–127
  • 1966: German films in the USA. Return in exchange , in: Der Archivar , No. 3, July 1966, Col. 259–264
  • 1973: Kinemathek - a Berlin stepchild , in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung , June 16, 1973
  • 1974: Sixty Years of the German Film Weekly , in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung , October 4, 1974
  • 1974: Ufa in the 3rd Reich , in epd church and film
  • 1978: The whereabouts of documentary and propaganda films of the German labor movement before 1933 , in: Der Archivar , No. 2, May 1978, Col. 221–224
  • 1982: Film propaganda for Germany in the First and Second World War , Hildesheim, Zurich, New York: Olms, 290 pp.


  • 1934: Running, marching people (short documentary film; production manager)
  • 1935: Sun and snow over Germany (short documentary film; director?)
  • 1935: The bell is calling (short documentary film; director?)
  • 1936: Short trip around the world through Berlin (short documentary; director, screenplay)
  • 1937: Aunt Inges Garten (short documentary film; production assistant)

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Individual evidence

  1. Participation in the Hitler putsch is controversial. HB was a member of the Roßbach group, the boys said they were sitting in a pub. HB was arrested for skipping school from the then director of the Wittelsbach High School Himmler (father of Heinrich Himmler). Proof of correspondence is up to me.
  2. ^ Barkhausen (1960), p. 1
  3. Barkhausen (1960), p. 13