Hans Constantin von Zwierlein

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Hans Constantin von Zwierlein

Hans Constantin Friedrich Ludwig Freiherr von Zwierlein (born October 21, 1802 in Wetzlar ; † April 1, 1863 in Geisenheim ) was a diplomat, lawyer, Nassau landlord and politician and former member of the estates of the Duchy of Nassau .


Hans Constantin von Zwierlein came from the noble family Zwierlein . His parents were Baron Hans Carl von Zwierlein (born January 3, 1768 in Wetzlar; † June 9, 1850) and his first wife Maria Magdalena, born von Gülich (* July 10, 1772; † January 5, 1843), a sister of Jurists Philipp Jacob von Gülich .

He was married to Louise Schenk zu Schweinsberg (* October 5, 1809, † November 18, 1840). The couple had two sons:

  • Hans Ludwig Georg (April 16, 1835 - June 26, 1886) ⚭ 1871 Josephine Höß (1845–1912)
  • Friedrich Salentin Hans Ludwig (* July 21, 1840)


He attended the Philippinum Weilburg grammar school from 1817 to 1820 and then studied law at the universities of Tübingen, Bonn and Göttingen from 1820 to 1823 , completing his studies with a doctorate. jur. from. From 1824 to 1829 he was an accessist in the Nassau State Ministry . In 1826 he was appointed chamberlain . From 1929 to 1833 he was an assessor in the state government and from 1833 to 1842 a councilor. In 1836 he was appointed Chamberlain and in 1842 he was promoted to the Privy Councilor. From 1848 he worked as a diplomat. From 1844 to 1848 he was the authorized minister in Darmstadt and from 1852 to 1836 the Nassau envoy.

Between 1846 and 1848 and 1855 to 1862 he was a member of the Herrenbank or first chamber of the estates of the Duchy of Nassau. From 1857 to 1858 he was President of the First Chamber. In 1848 he was a member of the Frankfurt pre-parliament .


  • Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the baronial houses for the year 1858 , S.893 .
  • Jochen Lengemann : MdL Hessen. 1808-1996. Biographical index (= political and parliamentary history of the state of Hesse. Vol. 14 = publications of the Historical Commission for Hesse. Vol. 48, 7). Elwert, Marburg 1996, ISBN 3-7708-1071-6 , p. 428.
  • Nassau parliamentarians. Part 1: Cornelia Rösner: The Landtag of the Duchy of Nassau 1818–1866 (= publications of the Historical Commission for Nassau. 59 = Prehistory and history of parliamentarism in Hesse. 16). Historical Commission for Nassau, Wiesbaden 1997, ISBN 3-930221-00-4 , pp. 197-198.

Web links

Commons : Hans Constantin von Zwierlein  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Anette Baumann: Advokaten und Prokuratoren: Anwälte am Reichskammergericht (1690–1806) , Cologne 2006, p. 126 ( limited preview in the Google book search).