Hans Fritz von Zwehl

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Hans Fritz von Zwehl (born September 7, 1883 in Berlin ; † May 2, 1966 near Naples ) was a German lawyer and playwright.


Hans Fritz was the son of the later Prussian infantry general Johann von Zwehl and his wife Ida, née Reissert (* 1861). In 1900/04 he studied law and languages at the Georg-August University of Göttingen , the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn , the University of Geneva and the University of Oxford, and completed his studies with a doctorate under Ernst Zitelmann . Zwehl worked as a lawyer in Hanover from 1909 and was also active as a writer. At the First World War he took as a lieutenant of the reserve part in a Lancers. For his brave behavior as a shock troop leader in the penetration into the English main position north of Boursies in February 1918 von Zwehl was mentioned in the divisional order of the 119th Infantry Division .

After the war he worked as a lawyer in Berlin .

At the congress of the Confédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Auteurs et Compositeurs (International Association of Societies of Writers and Composers) in Seville in 1935 , von Zwehl was elected secretary for a term of five years.

After the Second World War , Zwehl worked as a lawyer in Frankfurt am Main .

Hans Fritz von Zwehl died on May 2, 1966 while on vacation near Naples.


Hans Fritz von Zwehl's dramas can be assigned to neo-romanticism , whereby he strives for an artistically perfect formation of language that is reminiscent of Rilke . Zwehl builds on earlier traditions, but without moving into the mystical. His lyrically tuned dramas were performed on larger stages. Some of Zwehl's poems were set to music by the Finnish composer Yrjö Kilpinen .

Drama (selection)

  • Storm from the south. WP 1906.
  • The beautiful Mirjam. WP 1909.
  • Opal. Premiere 1916.
  • Charybdis. Premiere 1918.
  • Godiva. WP 1920.
  • The wedding of Eccloo. Premiere 1925.
  • Riots in Flanders. Premiere 1933.
  • Spring offensive. 1935 (also called Company Michael and Spring Battle), filmed in 1937 with Heinrich George , see Company Michael (film)
  • The children of Hameln. Premiere 1938.
  • Between battles. Premiere 1940.


  • Love, war, distance, loneliness , 1932.

Legal publications

  • The junk deal according to common and German civil law . Dissertation, C. Georgi, Bonn 1908.
  • together with Hermann Voss and Bernhard Danckelmann : War and Occupation Damage Law (= The WK series. The Economic Commentary , Issue 124). Publisher Commentator, Frankfurt am Main 1955.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans Henning : The German literature. The development and main works of German literature . 4th ed. 1940. p. 420.
  2. The German writer. September 1936, p. 193.
  3. ^ Waldemar Oehlke: German literature of the present . German Library Publishing Company, Berlin 1942.