Hans Grasberger

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Hans Grasberger

Hans Nepomuk Grasberger (born May 2, 1836 in Obdach , Styria , † December 11, 1898 in Vienna ) was an Austrian poet, poet and art critic .


Grass Berger studied Jus at the University of Vienna and later worked for various newspapers (u. A. For the "press" and the " Wiener Zeitung "). In 1867 he went to Rome as a correspondent , where he studied art and wrote art reviews for the “press”. He also made a name for himself as a dialect poet and throughout his life published several collections of poems in Styrian dialect. In his style, Grasberger is often compared to the most famous Styrian poet of his time, Peter Rosegger .

Hans Grasberger died on December 11, 1898 at the age of 62 and was buried at the cemetery in Mödling , Lower Austria .

Works (selection)

  • 1873 From the Carneval of Love (collection of poems)
  • 1880 Zan Mitnahm '(collection of poems)
  • 1885 Nix for unguat (collection of poems)
  • 1886 Plodersam (collection of poems)
  • 1895 The natural history of the Schnaderhüpferl


The Grasbergergasse in Vienna was named after Hans Grasberger. The Grasbergerstraße in Graz also bears his name.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans Grasberger in the Vienna History Wiki of the City of Vienna
  2. ^ Project Gutenberg-DE: Hans Grasberger life and work - Project Gutenberg. Retrieved May 3, 2020 .