Hans Leberecht

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Hans Leberecht ( Russian Ганс Фридрихович Леберехт ; born November 18 . Jul / December 1, 1910 . Greg in Saint Petersburg ; †  10. November 1960 in Tallinn ) was a Russian - Estonian writer .


Hans Leberecht was born into an Estonian working-class family. The parents had emigrated to Russia . He studied from 1935 to 1937 at the evening school for literature " Maxim Gorki " in Leningrad . In the Second World War he took part on the side of the Red Army . In 1945 he joined the CPSU . With the Soviet occupation of the Baltic States, he moved to Estonia in 1945.

From 1945 to 1951 Leberecht was a correspondent for the Soviet Estonian newspaper Советская Эстония ("Soviet Estonia"). From 1951 to 1955 he was a member of the Supreme Soviet of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic .

From 1951 until his untimely death he worked as a freelance writer in the Estonian capital Tallinn. Hans Leberecht died in Tallinn in 1960 at the age of only 49.

Literary work

Hans Leberecht made his debut as a short story writer during his time in Leningrad in the 1930s . Reports from the front were added later. After the Second World War he also wrote longer prose . Leberecht advanced to become one of the main representatives of literary socialist realism in the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic in the 1940s and 50s .

Leberecht is only included in Estonian literature in a broader sense , he wrote almost exclusively in Russian . The Estonian-language editions of his works are, however, personally authorized by him. Leberecht was introduced by the Soviet rulers as an "Estonian author" and also marketed internationally. His works have appeared in numerous translations, including in German.

Leberecht achieved his literary breakthrough in 1948 with the story Свет в Коорди ("Light in Koordi"). Leberecht spent the summers of his childhood with his grandmother in the Estonian village of Koordi . The story was published in the Leningrad magazine Звезда ("The Star"). Stalin is said to have read it and was taken with it. The story tells in rosy colors of the collectivization of Estonian agriculture and the cheerful establishment of the kolkhozes on the Estonian land after the Soviet occupation of Estonia.

The story appeared in 1949 as unrealistic propaganda literature, also in Estonian and later in over 20 other languages. It was filmed in 1950 by the director Herbert Rappaport . It was the first color film production in Estonia. Rappaport received the Stalin Prize for this . In 1955 Leo Normet composed an opera of the same name.

In the 1950s Leberecht celebrated numerous other successes as a Soviet propaganda writer, particularly with his novels about the Soviet struggle during World War II, the collectivization of agriculture and the building of communism . All works were also published in Estonian and in translations for the Eastern Bloc countries . His last prose work, the novel Дворцы Вассаров (“The Palaces of the Wassars”), was also celebrated by the state in 1960. It tells the life of the Estonians in Saint Petersburg between the revolution and the world war. The novel was also published in German in 1961.

Between 1963 and 1969, Leberecht's collected works appeared in five volumes.


In 1949 Leberecht was awarded the Stalin Prize (third class) for the story “Licht in Koordi” . In 1959 Leberecht received the title of Honored Writer of the Estonian SSR. He was also awarded the Order of the Red Labor Banner and the Order of the Red Star .

Works (selection)

The original Russian title and the year of publication as well as the title of the Estonian translation are given.


  • Свет в Коорди / Valgus Koordis (1948; German "Licht in Koordi" or "Licht über Koordi", 1950)
  • В дороге / Teel (1951)
  • В одном доме / Ühes majas (1957; filmed in 1962 under the title Ühe katuse all ; German "Under one roof", 1960)


  • Капитаны / Kaptenid (1954; filmed in 1955 under the title Andruse õnn )
  • Солдаты идут домой / Sõdurid lahmevad koju (1956; German "Soldiers from Tallinn", 1961)
  • Дворцы Вассаров / Vassarite paleed (1960; German "The Palaces of the Wassars", 1961)

Collection of novels

  • Pronkssõrmus (posthumous, 1961)

Secondary literature

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://webfu.univie.ac.at/texte/kerttu.pdf
  2. Eesti elulood. Tallinn: Eesti entsüklopeediakirjastus 2000 (= Eesti Entsüklopeedia 14) ISBN 9985-70-064-3 , p. 229