Hans Menzel (administrative lawyer)

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Hans Menzel (* 1887 in Winzig near Wohlau in Silesia ; † 1958 ) was a German administrative lawyer and a member of the SPD .

Life and work

After passing the state law examination and subsequent legal traineeship, Menzel worked from 1919-20 as a legal advisor to the Upper Presidium of the Province of Silesia in Wroclaw . At the same time he was appointed Deputy Reich and Prussian State Commissioner for the provinces of Silesia and Posen .

1920-21 followed a short activity as district administrator in the Silesian Trebnitz . 1921-29 he was in Magdeburg , first as Councilor and then as deputy (1923) and finally in 1924 as acting police chief operates.

In 1929 the Social Democratic Minister Carl Severing appointed him to succeed the conservative Karl Otto von Kameke as Ministerial Director and head of the constitutional department in the Reich Ministry of the Interior .

In 1932 he became the Papen called into question, and again by a conservative civil servants, the former district administrator and DNVP -Abgeordneten Georg Gottheiner replaced. Menzel held his last public office from 1945 to 1954 as head of the employment office in Southern Bavaria.


Alexander Sperk : Dr. Hans Menzel. In: From the Royal Police Headquarters to the District Authority of the German People's Police. The Magdeburg police in the Halberstädter Strasse 2 building between 1913 and 1989. Ed. Ministry of the Interior of Saxony-Anhalt, Halle (Saale) 2010, pp. 198–199, ISBN 978-3-941057-02-9 .