Hans Piontek

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Hans-Piontek-Villa in Ratibor (today: City and District Library)

Hans Piontek (born December 29, 1876 in Neukirch , Upper Silesia , † February 2, 1930 in Ratibor , Upper Silesia) was a senior civil servant in Upper Silesia. From 1924 to 1930 he was governor of the province of Upper Silesia .


Piontek has been a lawyer since 1905 and a notary public in Ratibor since 1920 , unpaid city councilor for 15 years, first mayor since 1921 and lord mayor of Ratibor since 1922. In 1924 he was elected governor by the provincial parliament. On February 2, 1930, after a long illness, the first governor of the province of Upper Silesia , Hans Piontek, died at the age of 53.

His cousin was Ferdinand Piontek .
