Hans Stammreich

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Hans Stammreich (born July 16, 1902 in Remscheid , † March 6, 1969 in São Paulo , Brazil ) was a Brazilian chemist of German origin. Stammreich was a pioneer of molecular spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy .


Germany until 1933

Stammreich passed his A-levels in Remscheid in 1920 and then studied chemistry , physics and physical chemistry in Heidelberg and Berlin . In 1924 he received his doctorate from the TU Berlin.

From 1924 to 1927 Stammreich was Adolf Miethe's assistant in the laboratory for photochemistry at the TU Berlin, then senior assistant to E. Lehmann. In 1930 he became head of the " Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis" section at the Technical University and began his habilitation. On April 4, 1933, the " National Socialist Action Committee of the TU Berlin" forbade him in writing to continue entering the university because of the "suspicion that you are non-Aryans " (quote from the letter).

Emigrant in Paris, Palestine and Iran from 1933 to 1940

Stammreich first went to Paris , where he was able to work with Langevin and Fabry at the Sorbonne on a recommendation from Albert Einstein . He stayed there until 1935. In addition to his extensive scientific work, Stammreich had contact with Albert Einstein, Arthur Koestler and Lion Feuchtwanger, among others . In 1935 the Stammreichs went to Palestine based on a letter of recommendation from Albert Einstein , but shortly afterwards they went to Tehran , where Stammreich had received an invitation to set up a science faculty at the university. Due to the poor working conditions in what was then Persia , Stammreich returned to Paris in 1936.

In 1940 the Stammreichs received a visa for Brazil . While his wife Charlotte was able to travel directly to Brazil, Hans Stammreich was detained in Casablanca , where he finally managed, under adventurous circumstances, to escape to neutral Portugal , from where he was able to continue his journey to Brazil.

Active in Brazil from 1940

Stammreich initially worked in a company that made gas discharge lamps , but in 1945 he was offered a position at the newly established University of Sao Paulo, where he took over a chair in 1947. He soon did research again in the field of spectroscopy, where u. a. 1956 was the first to succeed in generating Raman spectra with helium lamps .

Stammreich died on March 6, 1969 as a result of a heart attack in Sao Paulo.


Stammreich made numerous groundbreaking works in the field of physical chemistry and molecular spectroscopy, especially Raman spectroscopy. The article by Schrader and Otto from the Bunsenmagazin and the "neglected Science" website about Stammreich provide a detailed overview.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bernhard Schrader and Andreas Otto, Hans Stammreich, Bunsen magazine, 2nd year, 5/2000, pp. 120–122
  2. Albert Einstein Archives: "Mr. Hans Stammreich is a physical chemist with extraordinary abilities."