Hans Stockmar

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Hans Stockmar (born March 17, 1890 in Sydney ( Australia ), † January 16, 1961 in Hamburg ) was a German-British anthroposophist and entrepreneur.


Hans Stockmar was born as Hans Maximillian Alexander Bruno Beheim-Schwarzbach as the first son of the Würzburg ophthalmologist Bruno Beheim-Schwarzbach and his wife Carola Beheim-Schwarzbach, nee. Stockmar, († 1907) born in Australia. Since 1912 he called himself Hans Stockmar after his maternal maiden name. The parents were of German origin but had taken British citizenship . His father came from the patrician family Behaim von Schwarzbach .

His brother was the writer and chess player Martin Beheim-Schwarzbach (1900–1985). In 1904 the parents divorced: The child Maximilian stayed with the father, the mother moved to Hamburg with the child Martin. There she married the widowed merchant Eduard Hernsheim († 1917). Carola Hernsheim died in 1907 and the widower married her sister.


Because of his father's world trips, the child completed his schooling in different places. After marrying the actress Vilma Regling, the young couple emigrated to New Zealand in 1912 , where they changed their name to Hans Stockmar. The children Heimdal, Anselm and Rahel were born in New Zealand. In order to enable them to attend school in Germany, the family returned to Germany in 1921. The two younger children had the opportunity to attend the newly founded Waldorf School in Hamburg-Wandsbek .

In New Zealand, Hans Stockmar was able to set up a nursery and beekeeping . After returning Hans Stockmar founded in 1922 in Kaltenkirchen the same bees wax melt Hans Stockmar for preparing middle walls of the hive and bees wax candles. Because the company generated only a small turnover, Hans Stockmar worked from 1921 to 1931 as a steward on ships on international lines during the winter months. Then the company finally generated sufficient income.

During the National Socialist regime, Hans Stockmar maintained close contact with his former Jewish colleague Joseph Gelbart († 1942), who was deported to the Warsaw ghetto . In 2002 Hans Stockmar was posthumously awarded the title of Righteous Among the Nations by the Israeli state .

Hans Stockmar has been concerned with anthroposophy, especially with the work of Rudolf Steiner , since his time in New Zealand . He developed his house in Kaltenkirchen into a cultural center for anthroposophical topics.

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