Hans Strackwitz

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The Langgarter Gate

Hans Strackwitz , Strakowitz , also Strakowski , Strakofski (* 1567 , † March 1642 ) was a Danzig city ​​architect, bricklayer and stonemason.

He came to Gdansk around 1587 and entered the service of the city in 1594. He was married to Anna, daughter of Georg Krüger. The son Georg von Strackwitz , born in 1614 , also became a city architect in Danzig.

In the beginning, Hans practiced with Anton van Obberghen when the older High Gate was converted into a torment chamber (1593). He created the stone elements on the facades of the Old Town Hall and the Great Armory (1602–1605). There he was also the site manager and was appointed city architect in 1603.

In the years after 1610 he studied the construction of fortifications in Holland and Germany as a scholarship holder of the Danzig City Council. After his return he designed and built the Leege Gate (1626) and the Langgarter Gate (1628) and rebuilt the Jakobstor.

Other family members were Ephraim, as well as Esaias von Strakowits, Ing. Seiner Königl. Maj. Of Spain.
