Hans Walther von Gemmingen

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Hans Walther von Gemmingen (* around 1540/41; † February 23, 1591 ) was an early representative of the Neckarzimmern / Bürg line of the barons of Gemmingen . He owned Presteneck Castle , which he is said to have built in its present form around 1580.


He was a son of Oppenheimer Burgmann Eberhard von Gemmingen († 1572) from his first marriage in 1518 with Barbara von Wolfskehl († 1545). He attended the Latin school in Gemmingen and was in the Palatinate court service and with Count Palatine Wolfgang at the coronation of Emperor Maximilian II. In 1570 he also appears in the entourage of German master Georg Hund von Wenkheim with Archduchess Anna on the way from Speyer to Nijmegen .

His father was the landlord in Bürg , Widdern , Maienfels , Presteneck and Treschklingen . The father initially managed the property together with his son Eberhard (1527–1583). After their marriage, Hans Walther and his brother Reinhard (1532–1598) joined the joint property management that continued after their father's death. In 1582 the estate was finally divided, with Hans Walther taking possession of Presteneck, where he is said to have renovated Presteneck Castle as early as 1580 .

He died of dropsy and was buried at the Kocher in Neuenstadt . His widow wanted to move to relatives on the Rhine after his death, but died on the way and was buried at his side in Neuenstadt. His inheritance was split up in 1598.


In 1576 he married Agnes von Altdorf called Wolfschlägerin († 1593). There were no descendants from the marriage.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl Friedrich Jaeger : Mittheilungen zur Swabian and Franconian Reformation History , Stuttgart 1828, p. 83.
  2. The Chronicle of the Schöntal Monastery of Schöntal Prior Bartholomäus Kremer (1589–1661) attributes the construction of the castle to his younger brother Pleikard († 1547), who died early .
