Hans von Kotzau

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Hans von Kotzau (* before 1398, † after 1468) was bailiff von Hohenberg and later captain von Wunsiedel in the Sechsämterland . For a short time he was court master at the court of Margrave Albrecht Achilles , who was staying in Regensburg at the time.

Hans came from the main line of the von Kotzau family with the headquarters in today's Oberkotzau . Older, but inexact historical researchers, including the genealogist Johann Gottfried Biedermann , identify his father as Hans , who is traded as the progenitor of the knight family. Alban von Dobenck also names the abbess Katharina von Kotzau among the siblings , who, however, must have lived later. Hans von Kotzau was married to Afra von Redwitz ; the two sons Hans and Friedrich are known from the marriage.

During the Hussite wars the conquered Hussites the town Plauen , and Margrave Friedrich was formed in Hof resistance with 80 riders who u. a. Hans von Kotzau led. At that time, Caspar von Waldenfels was a captain in Hof. Together with the negotiator Hans von Sparneck , they were involved in fighting at the gates of the city of Hof, in which Hans von Sparneck distinguished himself with his son.

Hans von Kotzau can be documented as a bailiff from Hohenberg from 1438. He was in negotiations with the Cheb Council several times . He was involved in the First Margrave War and the City War, where he and one of his servants were temporarily captured. From 1452 until the end of his life he was captain in Wunsiedel, the office in Hohenberg was held for a short time by his son Friedrich. In 1457 he was addressed in a document not only as a bailiff, but also as a court master. It is documented from 1398 to 1468.


  • Johann Gottfried Biedermann : Gender register of the laudable knighthood in Voigtlande… . Kulmbach 1752. Plate CCLXXII.
  • Alban von Dobenck : History of the extinct family of Kotzau. In: Archives for the history of Upper Franconia. Bayreuth 1909. pp. 48-55.