Hanseatic publishing house

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The Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt (HAVA) was a book publisher founded in Hamburg in 1917 and existing until 1942.


The predecessor company was the Hanseatische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt eGmbH, founded in 1893 . Until 1920 it was called Deutschnationale Verlagsanstalt AG .

The HAVA belonged together with the Langen Müller Verlag and the Deutsche Hausbücherei until 1933 to the bookselling group of the conservative salaried workers ' union of the German National Handlers Association (DHV). After the " seizure of power " by the Nazis in 1933, the DHV was gleichschalten . On the one hand pressure from the NSDAP and on the other hand the hope of the DHV leadership to secure the existence of the DHV in the National Socialist state through adaptation. In 1936 the association and the publishing house were incorporated into the German Labor Front . The publishing house was dissolved at the end of the 1942 financial year, but the work of various corporations was continued by previous board members. Hanseatische Druckanstalt GmbH took over the printing business , publishing interests were represented by Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt Benno Ziegler KG , while the company continued to operate as Deutsche Hausbücherei AG . The Bücherborn Deutsches Buchhaus GmbH was previously absorbed into this .

Publishing program

After 1933, HAVA succeeded in securing key positions in book trade policy through cooperation and amalgamation with ministries and institutes. She supplied the Nazi mass book market with authors such as Hans Friedrich Blunck and Heinz Steguweit , but also produced for the traditional bourgeois reading public and looked after such contrasting authors as the writers Ernst Jünger , Werner Bergengruen or the lawyer Carl Schmitt . The journalist Wilhelm Stapel , the head of the Hamburg Circle , a group of thinkers who can be counted as part of the Conservative Revolution , had a decisive influence in the publishing house .

One of the most successful publication projects was the Fundamentals of Law and Economics published by Kiel university professors Georg Dahm , Karl August Eckhardt and Ernst Rudolf Huber , a series of legal textbooks from the time of National Socialism , of which between 1935 and 1944 a total of 16 volumes, some in several Editions appeared. Between 1917 and 1938 the national-conservative magazine Deutsches Volkstum was published here . Monthly for the German intellectual life .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Iris Hamel: Völkischer Verband and national trade union. The German National Sales Aid Association 1893–1933. European publishing company, Frankfurt am Main 1967, p. 260 f.
  2. Ewald Grothe : Between history and law. German constitutional historiography 1900–1970. Munich 2005 (= Ordnungssysteme, Vol. 16), ISBN 3-486-57784-0 , p. 208.
  3. ^ Ascan Gossler: Journalism and Conservative Revolution. The “German Volkstum” as an organ of right-wing intellectualism 1918–1933. Lit, Münster 2001, ISBN 3-8258-5558-9 .