Hansjürgen Wille

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Hansjürgen Wille (born October 6, 1901 in Düsseldorf , † July 13, 1973 in Baden-Baden ) was a German journalist, writer and translator.

Live and act

The family soon moved from Düsseldorf to Essen, where Wille grew up and attended high school. He worked briefly as an actor, completed his studies with a doctorate, traveled a lot through Europe and settled as a journalist in Berlin. There he wrote by name for the 8 o'clock evening paper , but also for magazines such as The Headlight in Essen or for the programs of the Städtische Bühnen in Hanover. In 1927, Reclam published his collection of novels, Rosenkavalier, in the “Young Germans” series, alongside works by Manfred Hausmann , Martin Beheim-Schwarzbach and Ernst Penzoldt . For the dancers and choreographers Harald Kreutzberg and Yvonne Georgi he wrote the dance play with singing Karussellfahrt, which premiered in 1929 at the New Theater Leipzig . In 1930 he published the first book about these two dancers, and in 1932 he wrote the introduction to Henny Portens memoir Vom "Kintopp" zum Tonfilm. A piece of experienced film history (Carl Reissner Verlag Dresden). In addition to his writing activities, Wille mainly worked as a translator, especially from French. Often together with his sister Barbara Klau (1904–1985) he translated several hundred works into German, mainly by Henri Troyat and Georges Simenon , but also by Mary Stewart and Pearl S. Buck . He has also written travel guides (from Norway, Finland and Yugoslavia).


  • Rosenkavalier. Novellas. Series: Young Germans. Reclam, Leipzig 1927.
  • Harald Kreutzberg, Yvonne Georgi. Weibezahl, Leipzig 1930.
  • Meeting in Lichtenberg. Novel. Otto Janke, Leipzig 1938.
  • Beyond death. Novel. Schmidt, Berlin 1948.
  • Poems. Eduard cue note, Potsdam 1949.
  • Lighted shadows. Novel. German Book Association, Berlin 1956.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. CV in Rosenkavalier , 1927, front flap.
  2. Hansjürgen Wille: I'm writing a ballet libretto. In: 8 o'clock evening paper of September 14, 1929.