Harry Heusser

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Battleships of the Viribus-Unitis class at Sciroccowetter in the Adriatic Sea , 1913
Postcard from Austrian Lloyd: SS Thalia in Venice, ca.1910
SS Helouan, Austrian Lloyd

Harry Heusser (also Heinrich Heusser , born June 5, 1886 in Pula , † July 19, 1943 in Geneva ) was an Austrian - Swiss marine painter and graphic artist .

life and work

Heusser studied at the art academies in Berlin , Munich and Venice and undertook major sea voyages as a marine painter. So he visited Egypt , Palestine and Asia Minor on behalf of the Austrian Lloyd . For this shipping company he then designed a colored postcard series with motifs of their ships and illustrated the commemorative publication for the company's 75th anniversary in 1911 (SS Vienna , Thalia , Baron Gautsch ).

From 1912 to 1919 he worked in Vienna ; 1919 to 1924 in Lugano ; from 1924 to 1926 in Trieste , from 1927 to 1933 in Lausanne and then in Geneva until his death.

SMS Zrinyi shoots port facilities in Sinigaglia

During the First World War he created the series of etchings "Die KK Flotte" , as well as numerous illustrations for the newspapers Wiener Blatt , Österreichs Illustrierte Zeitung , Leipziger Illustrierte and Deutscher Schulverein , Vienna. Many of his paintings have been preserved, several of them are in the collections of the Heeresgeschichtliches Museum , a larger number are also in private ownership.

Works (selection)


  • Heinrich Fuchs: The Austrian painters born in 1881–1900 . Volume 1. Self-published, Vienna 1976, p. K99.
  • Georg Pawlik, Lothar Baumgartner (ed.): Austria's navy and coast on old postcards. H. Weishaupt Verlag, Graz, 2nd edition 1996, ISBN 3-900310-25-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. Publizistisches Bureau des Österreichischer Lloyd (ed.): Seventy-five Years of Austrian Lloyd 1836–1911 . Österreichischer Lloyd, Triest 1911, pp. 2, 121, 135
  2. ^ Heinrich Fuchs: The Austrian painters born in 1881-1900 . Volume 1. Vienna 1976, p. K 99.