Harry Reichel

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Harry Reichel (born April 9, 1928 ) is a former German soccer player. For the BSG Einheit Ost Leipzig and the SC Rotation Leipzig , he played in the 1950s in the GDR Oberliga , the top division in GDR football .

Athletic career

Until 1950 Harry Reichel played for the company sports community (BSG) Einheit Leipzig Nord in the fourth-class district league North West Saxony. When the newly formed second-class league of the German Sports Committee , the later so-called GDR league , started its first season in 1950/51 , Reichel moved to BSG Einheit Ost Leipzig in the DS league. In the three seasons up to 1953 he was always a regular player, of the 64 league games played, he played 58 matches and scored his only two second division goals in 1952/53. During this season, Unity East made it to the GDR league. Reichel had a difficult start there as a defender due to injury. In the first half of the season he was only able to play seven of the fourteen point games, but then played in all fourteen games in the second half of the season. He scored his first and only top division goal in the match on the third day of the match between Dynamo Dresden and Unity East (3-2). Also in the league season 1954/55 Reichel fell out several times and only came to sixteen point games. Nevertheless, it was taken over in November 1954 by the newly founded SC Rotation Leipzig, which the BSG Einheit Ost had previously joined. Reichel had his best league season in 1956, when GDR football had switched from the spring-summer rhythm to the calendar year system. As before, 26 point games were played in which defender Reichel was only missing three times. In 1957 he suffered another relapse, was only used on the tenth day of the game and only made eleven league games. He played his last league season in 1958, during which he also had to take a long break and was only called up fourteen times in point games. For the 1959 season, Reichel moved to the fourth-rate district division club Rotation 1950 Leipzig. As a football player he did not return to the higher-class football, was from 1957 coach at Rotation 1950. As a football player from 1950 to 1958 he had 85 league games and 58 games in the GDR league.


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