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Hartlaub-Wida, male in splendid plumage (Euplectes hartlaubi)

Hartlaub-Wida, male in splendid plumage ( Euplectes hartlaubi )

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Family : Weaver birds (Ploceidae)
Subfamily : Ploceinae
Genre : Fire weaver ( Euplectes )
Type : Hartlaub-Wida
Scientific name
Euplectes hartlaubi
( Bocage , 1878)

The Hartlaubweber or Hartlaub-Wida ( Euplectes hartlaubi ) belongs within the family of weaver birds (Ploceidae) to the genus of fire weavers ( Euplectes ). The name was given in honor of the zoologist Gustav Hartlaub .


The hard leaf weaver is about 18 cm tall, with the very long black tail in a splendid dress up to 36 cm. The bird has a powerful, light, conical beak, black eyes, and russet legs. The male is pale orange - yellowish brown on the shoulders and black in the magnificent dress . In the plain dress , like the female, it is ocher-colored, with light stripes over the eyes, blackish on the top, yellowish-brown also dashed on the underside.

distribution and habitat

This weaver can be found in swampy grasslands and in the vicinity of cultivated areas as well as over reed-covered water areas from 1100–1800 m.

The following subspecies can be distinguished:


Hard leaf weavers feed on plant seeds , insects and smaller fruits, usually rummaging in small groups for food.


The breeding season in Uganda is May, in Angola and Zambia between December and February, and in the Democratic Republic of the Congo between January and March. The birds are polygynous .

Hazardous situation

The hard-leaf weaver is considered not endangered ( least concern ).

Individual evidence

  1. Avibase Euplectes hartlaubi
  2. ^ A b T. Stevenson, J. Fanshawe: Birds of East Africa. Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi. Princeton University Press, 2002, ISBN 0-691-12665-8 .
  3. a b c d e Handbook of the Birds of the World
  4. Euplectes hartlaubi in the IUCN 2016-3 Red List of Endangered Species . Posted by: BirdLife International, 2016. Retrieved January 14, 2017.

Web links

Commons : Hartlaub-Wida ( Euplectes hartlaubi )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files