Hasso Spode

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Hasso Spode (* 1951 in Berlin-Friedrichshagen ) is a German historian and sociologist .


After a long stay abroad, Spode worked in the food retail sector and studied - as a student trainee - history , sociology , religious studies and philosophy at the Free University of Berlin and the University of Hanover . In 1979 he passed the Magister Artium examination in Berlin (majoring in modern history ), in 1989 he received his doctorate in sociology in Hanover, in 1997 he completed his habilitation there under Oskar Negt and has been Professor of Historical Sociology since then .

Since the 1980s Spode has carried out numerous research projects ( Historical Commission for Berlin, among others) and began teaching in the 1990s, in addition to the University of Hanover (sociology), mainly at the Charité (social medicine), the FU Berlin (tourism) and the university Leipzig (history) as well as in Lüneburg, Schwerin, Potsdam and Linz. Since 1999 he has headed the Historical Archives of Tourism , which moved in 2012 from the Free University of Berlin to the Center for Technology and Society and the Center for Metropolitan Studies at the Technical University of Berlin.

Spode is a board member of the International Alcohol and Drugs History Society (ADHD) and an advisory board member of the Center for Drug Policy Studies (China); until 2014 he was Vice President of the Tourism Committee of the International Sociological Association. He is the executive editor of Voyage. Yearbook for Travel & Tourism Research as well as co-editor of the Annals of Tourism Research, Mondes du Tourisme and other journals. His list of publications shows over 200 scientific titles (books, articles, reviews), most of which appeared in German, some in English, as well as Czech, Greek, Romanian, Spanish, French, Danish, Italian, Japanese, Estonian and Russian; there are also numerous lectures and media appearances.

Research focus

Spode became known in the 1990s for his work on the cultural and social history of alcohol consumption . He emphasizes the global and at the same time cyclical character of the discourses on alcohol (“thematising conjunctures”). His thesis of a long-term marginalization of intoxication in modern times and the corresponding revaluation of drinking as an addiction disease has become common knowledge. At the same time, Spode is one of the founders of historical tourism research . Together with Walter Eder and Heinz Hahn from the Starnberg Study Group for Tourism, he set up the Tourism History working group in 1989 , the first organization of its kind in the world; In 1991 he published the world's first anthology on this research field. The tourism viewed Spode it as a product of modern ambivalence about the "progress": Genuin is the tourist trip a "journey through time with return ticket," the tourist area a "romantic Chronotopie". Further research work includes a. health prevention, changes in eating habits, tobacco consumption, the development of labor disputes and the analysis of socio-political discourses and processes.

Fonts (selection)

  • Alcohol and civilization. Intoxication, disillusionment and table manners in Germany until the beginning of the 20th century. Dissertation . Tara-Verlag Hensel, Berlin 1991, ISBN 3-929127-13-X .
  • The power of drunkenness. Cultural and social history of alcohol in Germany. Leske and Budrich, Opladen 1993, ISBN 3-8100-1034-0 .
  • Statistics of labor disputes in Germany. Historical statistics of Germany. Volume 15, Scripta-Mercaturae-Verlag, St. Katharinen 1992, ISBN 3-922661-96-3 .
  • To the sun, to freedom! Contributions to the history of tourism. Verlag für Universitäre Kommunikation, Berlin 1991, ISBN 3-928077-10-4 .
  • as publisher: Goldstrand and Teutonengrill. Cultural and social history of tourism in Germany. 1945 to 1989. Moser, Verlag für Universitäre Kommunikation, Berlin 1996, ISBN 3-928077-14-7 .
  • How the Germans became "World Travel Champions". An introduction to the history of tourism. State Center for Political Education Thuringia, Erfurt 2003, ISBN 3-931426-74-2 .
  • Resource future. The seven decision areas of the German reform. Budrich, Opladen 2008, ISBN 978-3-86649-135-9 .
  • Workers' leave in the Third Reich. In: Timothy W. Mason et al .: Anxiety, reward, discipline and order , Opladen 1982, ISBN 3-531-11595-2 .
  • The Kreuzberg and the beer. History and prehistory of the Schultheiss brewery. In: Yearbook of the Society for the History of Brewing (GGB) , 1993, pp. 118–135.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Lectures since 2000 on hasso-spode.de, accessed on April 30, 2020.
  2. Selection of media articles on hasso-spode.de, accessed on December 4, 2018.
  3. Is alcoholism an invention? Interview on the 2nd nationwide meeting of addiction self-help groups in the DRK (PDF file; 2.2 MB), accessed on December 4, 2018.