Hasso von Lenski

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Hasso von Lenski (born February 9, 1942 in Potsdam ) is a German actor.


Hasso von Lenski was born in Potsdam in 1942 as the son of Wehrmacht General Arno von Lenski .

He grew up, with his mother and sister, from 1943 on his grandparents' estate in Wörbzig , because life was safer here than in Potsdam . When the Red Army took over the West Elbe parts of Saxony-Anhalt from the Americans and the grandfather was interned, his mother moved with him and his sister to Koethen (Anhalt) until he attended first grade. His father, who had returned from captivity, brought his wife and both children to Berlin in 1949 .

Hasso von Lenski attended the State Drama School in Berlin , studied theater studies and worked as an actor, director and dramaturge. In November 1989 he became the new director of the Little Revue at Friedrichstadt-Palast Berlin.

Hasso von Lenski is married to the actress Christel Bodenstein . The family lives in Berlin.





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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hasso von Lenski at Mitteldeutsche Zeitung from September 16, 2014
  2. Neue Zeit of November 22, 1989, p. 8