Police call 110: retaliation?

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Episode of the series Polizeiruf 110
Original title Retribution?
Country of production GDR
original language German
Television of the GDR
length 78 minutes
classification Episode 63 ( List )
First broadcast March 9, 1980 on GDR 1
Director Peter Vogel
script Eberhard Görner
production Eva-Marie Martens
music Hermann Anders
camera Bernd Klockiewicz
cut Renate Foldesi

Retribution? is a German crime film by Peter Vogel from 1980. The television film is based on motifs from Hasso Mager's novel Mord im Hotel and was released as the 63rd episode of the Polizeiruf 110 film series .


After 17 years in prison for robbery and murder, Eberhard Gantzer is released from prison. He moves in with his girlfriend Ilse Lanning and, after a long search, finds his accomplice at the time, who managed to escape. He demands money from him, but not for his own use. He should pay until he voluntarily surrenders to the police. Since Ilse has had enough of Eberhard's actions, she throws him out. He moves into a hotel, where he is found dead a little later. Captain Peter Fuchs and Lieutenant Woltersdorf take over the investigation.

Lieutenant Jürgen Huebner and Lieutenant Vera Arndt are working on another case. After going to the theater, Dietmar Söhnl reports that his car has been stolen. The investigators found a little later that the car hit a pedestrian and was seriously injured while the perpetrator ran away. Since it was raining on the evening of the crime, the investigators cannot find any traces. Dietmar's father Gunter reacts irritably and accuses Dietmar of not having locked the car. Gunter doesn't have an alibi for the time of the crime, but lets his friend Richard Ahrend testify that he was with him during the time. The PGH chairman is involved with Gunter in minor scams that could be detected if Gunter's life were investigated.

In the case of the dead Eberhard Gantzer, the investigators reconstruct that someone else must have been in the room. They learn from Ilse that Eberhard extorted money from his accomplice at the time. She does not know the name of the other man, but the investigation files from that time give his name as Georg Schlauf. He went to the Federal Republic of Germany in 1960. The file includes a photo from that time.

Both teams of investigators get stuck in their cases. In a quiet minute, Jürgen Hübner and Peter Fuchs let each other see their work files. You will find amazing parallels: Georg Schlauf and Gunter Söhnl have the same dates of birth, even if the places of birth are different. While Georg went to West Germany in 1960, Gunter Söhnl, born in Kassel, came to the GDR in 1961. The investigators suspect that Georg Schlauf and Gunter Söhnl are the same person. Gunter is arrested, defending himself with all his might, and interrogated. He denies being Georg Schlauf, but it turns out that there is actually a Gunter Söhnl in the Federal Republic, but with a different date of birth than what the alleged Gunter stated at the interrogation. However, since he gave Söhnl's actual address as his last address in the West when asked by Peter Fuchs, he gave himself away. A former work colleague identified Söhnl using a characteristic scar as a loop. Schlauf is arrested and falls into depression because he has lived under a false identity for 18 years and now has to put it off psychologically. Schlauf's family - his wife and two children - are also shaken because they now have to question their entire family, including names.


Retribution? was shot from June 19 to August 13, 1979 in Berlin , Suhl , on Rügen , in Greifswald and Stralsund . In Sassnitz , the hotel scenes around Eberhard Gantzer (Rügenhotel Sassnitz) and the work scenes of Söhnl (Sassnitz harbor), a dispute scene on the high bank path of the chalk cliffs, were created. The costumes for the film were created by Helga Dürwald , the film structures were made by KPM Wulff . The film premiered on March 9, 1980 in the first program of East German television. The audience participation was 59.7 percent.

It was the 63rd episode in the film series Polizeiruf 110 . Captain Peter Fuchs investigated in his 39th case, Oberleutnant Jürgen Hübner in his 29th case, Lieutenant Vera Arndt in her 40th case and Lieutenant Woltersdorf in his 7th case. It was the only time that all four investigators appeared on a police call at the same time.

The criticism called retaliation? a film "with a complicated plot across several storylines and time levels and with a psychologically interesting perpetrator figure in the center". Director Vogel strives "for visual attractiveness"; The film also has the peculiarity that the viewer understands or even feels sympathy for the perpetrator.


  • Peter Hoff: Police call 110. Films, facts, cases. Das Neue Berlin, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-360-00958-4 , pp. 111-113.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Presentation according to http://www.polizeiruf110-lexikon.de/filme.php?Nummer=063 (link only available to a limited extent)
  2. ^ Peter Hoff: Police call 110. Films, facts, cases . Das Neue Berlin, Berlin 2001, p. 71.
  3. ^ Peter Hoff: Police call 110. Films, facts, cases . Das Neue Berlin, Berlin 2001, pp. 111–112.