Hans-Joachim Martens

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Hans-Joachim Martens (born February 28, 1925 in Berlin ; † March 3, 2018 there ) was a German actor and director .


After graduating from high school, Hans-Joachim Martens studied painting and art history in order to then attend drama school at the Deutsches Theater in Berlin. It was here that he received his first engagement in 1951. Shortly afterwards he went to the Maxim-Gorki-Theater Berlin and in 1953 Fritz Wisten brought him to the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm , whose ensemble moved to the rebuilt Volksbühne Berlin that same year . From 1964 he devoted himself more to directing. From February to July 1967 he was artistic director at the miners' theater in Senftenberg. After his return to the Volksbühne, Hans-Joachim Martens was permanently engaged as a director at the Metropol-Theater Berlin in August 1971 . In addition to his stage work, he made several films as an actor for DEFA and was also employed for a long time for television in the GDR.

Hans-Joachim Martens was married to the actress Ingrid Rentsch , who brought her son Florian Martens into the marriage from a relationship with Wolfgang Kieling .


Theater (actor)

Theater (director)

Radio plays

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The love of the stage. In: young world . LPG young world e. G., March 6, 2018, accessed March 13, 2018 .