Manfred Bieler

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Manfred Bieler (born July 3, 1934 in Zerbst ; † April 23, 2002 in Munich ) was a German writer , radio play and television play author .

Manfred Bieler's grave in the Obermenzing cemetery in Munich. There are rabbit figures in front of the tombstone.


After graduating from the Philanthropinum Dessau , Biel studied German at the Humboldt University in Berlin . For the story Der Vogelherd he received the prize of the World Festival of Youth and Students in Warsaw in 1955 . 1956 to 1957 he was a research assistant for the German Writers' Association . In 1956 he worked together with Heinz Kahlau , Manfred Streubel and Jens Gerlach for more cultural freedom in the GDR . After he was accused of belonging to a group around Ernst Bloch and Hans Mayer in New Germany , he was expelled from the Writers' Union.

Bieler then undertook extensive trips through Europe and as far as Newfoundland . With his friend Johannes Bobrowski , he jokingly founded the New Friedrichshagener Poet Circle in 1962 . In a particularly productive collaboration with the radio dramaturge Wolfgang Beck , a whole series of internationally successful original radio plays were produced for GDR radio in close succession by the mid-1960s . In 1965 he moved to Prague . His play Zaza , which was submitted to the Volksbühne Berlin , earned him severe criticism from the Politburo of the Central Committee of the SED . The DEFA film The Rabbit I Am - directed by Kurt Maetzig - which was shot according to Manfred Bieler's scenario and was completed in the summer of 1965, was withdrawn from the previously granted performance permit. After the 11th plenum of the Central Committee of the SED in December 1965, the film was banned and only premiered in December 1989 at the Academy of Arts. The critical DEFA film productions of 1965 were insulted by Sindermann as " rabbit films ".

In 1967 he became a Czechoslovak citizen and joined the Czech Writers' Union in 1968. After the Warsaw Pact troops marched into Prague, he moved to the Federal Republic of Germany. In 1969 he was a visiting professor at the University of Texas and received the Andreas Gryphius Prize . In 1971 he became a citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany. In 1971 he received the Bavarian Art Prize and in 1977 the Jakob Kaiser Prize . Bieler last lived in Munich; he left two children.

Book publications

Radio plays

Broadcasting of the GDR
  • 1958: honeymoon
  • 1959: I am not my brother
  • 1959: Attention, admission! Band is running ... (children's radio play)
  • 1960: The eighth tribulation
  • 1961: The little freedom
  • 1962: The Left Wall - Director: Werner Grunow
  • 1962: career of a piano - director: Werner Grunow
  • 1962: Three paper roses - Director: Werner Grunow
  • 1963: The shirt and the skirt
  • 1963: Night Watch - Director: Helmut Hellstorff
  • 1964: I ask ...
  • Three paper roses (hr 1967)
  • The Elephant Island (NDR / SR 1967)
  • Father and teacher (NDR / BR / SFB / SR 1968)
  • Missa (hr / RB / WDR 1969)
  • The Last Penny (NDR 1969)
  • Father and teacher (DRS 1970)
  • Jeronim (DRS 1971)
  • The Homework (SR / SFB 1972)
  • Time brings roses (SDR 1972)
  • The history of the Canon (SDR / NDR / SFB 1973)
  • The commander (hr / DLF 1973)
  • De homework (DRS 1973)
  • Three roses us paper (DRS 1976)
  • Neuhausen Midsummer Night's Dream (BR / WDR 1977)
  • The number of the day (BR / SR 1978)
  • The duel: Willy and Lilly (BR 1985)
  • Lilly and Willy (DRS 1990)


  • I'm not my brother , TV movie, director: Bruno Kleberg , German TV radio 1960
  • The Honeymoon , TV movie, director: Wolfgang E. Struck , German TV radio 1960
  • Three paper roses , TV film, director: Dimiter Dimitroff, German TV radio 1963
  • I am the rabbit , feature film, director: Kurt Maetzig , DEFA 1965 (prohibited), first performance: 1990
  • Arno i Jane , TV movie, director: Mira Trailovic, CSSR 1967
  • Three paper roses , TV movie, director: Ulrich Lauterbach , hr 1967
  • ... dead in Kanapu , television play, director: Rainer Wolffhardt , ZDF 1969
  • Jana , TV movie, director: Rolf Hädrich , 1970
  • The Person (based on Der Junge Roth ), TV movie, director: Wolfgang Staudte , WDR 1970
  • Willy and Lilly , television play, director: Franz Peter Wirth , ZDF 1971
  • The provisional life , television play, director: Rainer Wolffhardt, 1971
  • Shot on command - The Sass brothers , once Berlin's great crooks , TV film, director: Rainer Wolffhardt, ZDF 1972
  • When all the others are missing , TV film, director: Fritz Umgelter , HR 1973
  • Invitation to be beheaded , TV film based on Vladimir Nabokov , director: Horst G. Flick, ZDF 1973
  • The young Roth , TV movie, director: Rainer Wolffhardt, 1974
  • The homework , TV movie, director: Peter Frötschl, NDR 1974
  • Maria Morzeck, a girl from East Berlin , TV film, scenario: Johann Hendrich, director: Horst G. Flick, ZDF 1976
  • Sunday stories , TV movie, director: Kurt Hoffmann , ZDF 1976
  • Oblomows Liebe , TV film based on Iwan Alexandrowitsch Gontscharow , director: Claus Peter Witt , hr 1976
  • The Girls' War , feature film, director: Alf Brustellin , Bernhard Sinkel , 1977, first TV broadcast: ARD 1980
  • Fathers and Sons , TV film based on Ivan Turgenev , director: Claus Peter Witt, 1978
  • Am Südhang , TV film based on Eduard von Keyserling , director: Michael Verhoeven , ZDF 1980
  • Prussian Night , TV movie, director: Oswald Döpke , ZDF 1981
  • Hell in Frauensee , TV film based on Vicki Baum , director: Wolfgang Panzer , SDR 1983
  • Nebel im Fjord , TV movie, director: Eberhard Itzenplitz , ZDF 1987


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Reprinted in: Hörspieljahrbuch 1, Henschel-Verlag, Berlin 1960, pp. 97–127
  2. ^ Reprinted in: Hörspiele 2, Henschel-Verlag, Berlin 1962, pp. 17–47
  3. ^ Reprinted in: Hörspiele 3, Henschel-Verlag, Berlin 1963, pp. 161–186
  4. ^ Reprinted in: Hörspiele 4, Henschel-Verlag, Berlin 1964, pp. 7–38
  5. ^ Reprinted in: Neue Deutsche Literatur Berlin, 11th year 1963, issue 8, pp. 91–124
  6. ^ Reprinted in: Neue Deutsche Literatur Berlin, 13th year 1965, issue 6, pp. 79-103