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Heckenransbach (France)
local community Ernestviller
region Grand Est
Department Moselle
Arrondissement Sarreguemines
Coordinates 49 ° 3 '  N , 6 ° 59'  E Coordinates: 49 ° 3 '  N , 6 ° 59'  E
Post Code 57510
Incorporation 1811

Heckenransbach is a district of the French community Ernestviller (German: Ernstweiler ) in the Grand Est region (until 2015 Lorraine ), three kilometers southeast of Ernstweiler.


Sovereignty over the place was disputed between the Counts von der Leyen and France in the 18th century . In 1781 Count Philipp Franz von der Leyen handed over the disputed sovereignty over Heckenransbach with a number of other places to France and received it back as a fief under the name "Baronie de Welferding". In 1784 he sold the barony to the Comte de Vergennes Charles Gravier (French Foreign Minister from 1774 to 1787). Heckenransbach came to the Moselle department in 1790 and has shared the department's history ever since. In 1811 Heckenransbach was incorporated into Ernstweiler.


  • The chapel and former parish church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary, with a fortified tower from the 13th century, classified as Monument historique since 1930
    • Romanesque bell from the church tower in Heckenransbach, the oldest cast bell in Lorraine
    • Wooden sculpture of the Virgin Mary with child (13th century)
    • Wooden Portrait of Saint Anne (18th century)

Web links

supporting documents

  1. Heckenransbach - Notice Communale , cassini.ehess.fr