Hedy Pfundmayr

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Hedy Pfundmayr (born December 1, 1899 in Vienna ; † October 5, 1965 there ) was an Austrian dancer, choreographer and film actress.


Hedy Nils & Tony Birkmeyer dance on September 22nd, 1920 in the Konzerthaussaal Vienna. Advertising poster by Ernst Deutsch-Dryden

From 1904 she was trained at the Vienna State Opera , then engaged in 1915, made a luminary in 1918 and then promoted to solo dancer in 1920. From 1935 until her retirement in 1945 she worked as a solo mimic and teacher at the ballet school. In 1919 she appeared as a partner of the dancer Tony Birkmeyer under the pseudonym Hedy Nils .

Heinrich Kröller was ballet master from 1922 to 1928 and advocated incorporating elements of popular expressive dance in addition to classical ballet and the then almost frowned upon dance. He found the ideal cast for many of his roles in Pfundmayr, because she was classically trained as well as mimic and open to new ideas. During this time she often danced with Tilly Losch , who was also engaged at the State Opera: u. a. 1922 as Pierrot in "Carnaval", 1924 as Prinz Kaffee in "Schlagobers", 1925 in "Ballet Comedies" and as the high point in the careers of both dancers in 1927 in Franz Salmhofer's "The Alluring Phantom". Losch danced the title role of Phantom and Pfundmayr played the young winemaker Heinrich. In the same year they performed together with Harald Kreutzberg at a dance evening as part of the Salzburg Festival.

Then in 1928, when Sasha Leontjew was ballet master for a short time, Pfundmayr danced and mimed Potiphar's wife in Richard Strauss ' Josephs Legende . With this role she went to Buenos Aires in 1930 at the Teatro Colón together with Leontjew.

In addition to her classically oriented work at the State Opera, Pfundmayr devoted himself increasingly to the new dance. She always gave dance evenings with Mila Cirul , Otto Werberg and Manon Chaufour, among others .

She later designed ballets for films and had also worked in films before that. B. 1921 in Lucifer or 1926 in Die Pratermizzi as a double for Nita Naldi . Then in 1936 she appeared in silhouettes with Mila Cirul and the State Opera Ballet . In 1941 she did the choreography for Wiener Blut , in 1943 that for The White Dream .

In 1928 she opened her own dance studio at 10 Schottengasse in Vienna , which she and Jury Tagunoff turned into the First Vienna Mannequin School in 1949 .


Web links

Commons : Hedy Pfundmayr  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

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