Holy Spirit Church (Wismar)

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Holy Spirit Church
The Holy Spirit Church as seen from Neustädter Strasse
The Holy Spirit Church from the southwest

The Holy Spirit Church in the Hanseatic city of Wismar belongs to the Holy Spirit Hospital , which was founded in the old town of Wismar in the middle of the 13th century. The church is located on Lübschen Strasse on the corner with Neustadt Street . The church was a hospital church where the sick and needy were cared for and cared for. There were cells in the attached nave for accommodation. The entrance gate to the courtyard served as the backdrop for the fictional police station of SOKO Wismar .

History and architecture

Permission to hold church services and to build a churchyard was granted in 1255. The hospital was placed under papal protection in 1323 and its privileges were renewed. The construction of the church began after 1320. The consecration of the main altar is documented for 1326, it was carried out by Bishop Marquard von Ratzeburg. Today's single-nave, simple brick building essentially dates from the first third of the 14th century and was initially at the same time a place of worship, clinic and hostel. The exterior structure is structured by recessed portals in an ogival shape and six ogival windows. The impression of this entrance side is impaired by the mighty supporting pillars, which date from the second half of the 17th century. Also in the second half of the 17th century, dormers and a ridge turret were attached to the gable roof. According to the results of dendrochronological studies , the gable was made around 1665 and the roof structure around 1690. The return portal on the north side has inlaid round bars, glazed bricks were used in the construction. The remainder of a round arch frieze from the previous building from 1255 has been preserved under the cornice . Parts of the eastern enclosing walls also come from this. The interior appears light and light. This room is spanned by an artistically painted wooden beam ceiling from the 17th century. It is about 40 meters long and 14 meters wide. The pointed arches on the west and east walls and the painted tie rods from medieval times indicate the vaulting from 1371 with a wooden barrel. The passage to the long house, the shelter for the needy and sick, is on the north side. In 1411 the long house was added to the northwest as an infirmary. Until the time of the Reformation it was open to the church to enable the sick to participate in worship. The courtyard on the north side of the church, the Heiligen-Geist-Hof, used to be surrounded by half-timbered buildings. In the Middle Ages, the church was used as a place of worship, as well as a hostel and clinic for the homeless, travelers, pilgrims and the needy. The beds were against the long walls. Most of the food to feed the people was obtained from the large agricultural holdings. These foods were stored in the vaulted cellar under the west side. From the second half of the 16th century, the church was no longer used as living space. Care for the sick and poor was transferred to the Dominican monastery, which was made free by the Reformation. The church interior was redesigned; a pulpit and pews were set up. Small apartments for the elderly have been set up in the long house. After 1945, numerous works of art from the damaged other Wismar churches were brought to the Holy Spirit Church. The church's former triumphal cross is now in the St. Nikolai town church in Grevesmühlen .


"DEO GRACIAS" fresco
Image fragment of the legend
"Three Living - Three Dead". 
Wall painting
  • A fresco from the early 14th century that was uncovered in 1968 can be used as an exercise in combinatorics . It shows the letter D in the middle and an S at all four corners; in total there are 4x126 = 504 different ways to read the words DEO GRACIAS , which means: “Thanks be to God”. Christiane Rossner from the German Foundation for Monument Protection describes the large-format mural as "unique in Germany". The puzzle is flanked by two figures. On the left is a female figure with a tape. There you can read in Latin : “lay si sis” (read if you can). On the right is a male figure with another banner: "temte si vis" (count if you want).
  • On the north wall remains of parable-like representations from around 1400 have been preserved. They were discovered during renovation work between 1964 and 1978 and show fragments from the legend Three Living - Three Dead .
  • The finial frieze was painted around 1600.
  • The inside of the door that closes the sacrament niche on the east side is painted with Christ enthroned, accompanied by two angels making music. The door still comes from the previous Romanesque building, the painting is the second oldest preserved in Mecklenburg.
  • The high-quality glass paintings from the 14th century were made in the soft style of Master Bertram . You come from St. Marien .
  • The ceiling is in the color change red-yellow-white, which is repeated nine times. The wooden ceiling shows a huge representation of the biblical story in 26 pictures, which are shown in medallions. Lush arkanthus foliage is enlivened by over 100 playing putti. The first medallion on the east side shows the creation of light on the first day of creation. In the other pictures different phases of creation and the development of life are shown. Paradise is shown with a joy of life. This is followed by the expulsion from Paradise and the fratricide of Cain of Abel. The flood ends with Noah's salvation. Another highlight is the Tower of Babel and then the stories of the patriarchs follow. The templates for the paintings can be found at Matthäus Merian , who made them for a picture Bible. With Merian God was represented by the triangular eye. Here God is shown in bodily form.
  • On the two door wings that separate the western residential wing from the church, the pictures of two cranes from the Rococo period were exposed in 1978 under several layers of old paint . According to Pliny, the crane is considered to be the guardian of the night. Since they are carrying a stone, they do not fall asleep.

Stained glass

Stained glass window

In the eastern part of the double chapel, a window can be seen in the northern wall. The 26 disc fields in Gothic colors come from St. Marien. This Vitrail painting from the 14th century is one of the most important in the Baltic Sea region. 15 fields show scenes from the life of Jesus and Mary, seven pictures depict saints, the other fields are filled with architectural details. The painting shows a relationship to that of Master Bertram. The cycle shows the following scenes: Mary in the spinning room , the flight into Egypt , the twelve-year-old Jesus in the temple , the evangelist John in martyrdom , the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan , the story of temptation , the healing of the possessed , the raising of the young man , the healing of Gouty sufferers , Matthew's calling from customs , marriage at Cana and the ascension of Christ . The following are represented as saints: Ursula, Katharina, Dorothea, Barbara and Thomas Becket . The Vitrail painting was restored in Erfurt in 1970, after which the current sequence of images was determined.


Three chapels were built on the north side.

  • The large two-storey chapel by the choir, the former ossuary chapel, was built in 1371. The supporting pillars are stepped; the basement was previously used as an ossuary, the upper floor is equipped with a arched portal. The terracotta frieze shows mythical creatures and oak leaves. The two gable roofs with glazed gables were added during the renovation in 1908. The upper floor was previously connected by two arcades that were open to the choir. The opening is now walled up.
  • Two other chapels are located under the roof of the nave. These two flat chapels were built in the first third of the 15th century, they were connected to the church interior through wall niches.


The main altar
a carved cheek of the stalls
  • The main altar from the Gothic period was rebuilt in the Baroque style in the second half of the 17th century.
The two side wings and the central shrine were used as a frame for a biblical composition. The middle picture is a copy of Rembrandt's Descent from the Cross. The afternoon of Good Friday is shown. Jesus is buried. The Adoration of the Magi can be seen on the left. The arriving kings pay homage to the baby Jesus, which Mary carries on her knees. The wing next to it shows the adoration of the shepherds and women. As a specialty, the ox and the donkey have a chicken and a dog. The sky above is open and surrounded by angels making music. On the wing on the other side you can see the baptism of Jesus. The Last Supper is shown above the adoration and a crucifixion scene is shown below the circumcision. The resurrection closes the cycle.
  • The pulpit from the Renaissance period (placed on July 13, 1585 ) is one of the best in Mecklenburg. It is decorated with portraits of Moses and Aron, Old Testament prophets and the four evangelists and shows the way from the Old to the New Testament.
  • The cheeks of the stalls were made from oak planks according to the dates from 1571 to 1589. According to recent studies, these church stalls are considered to be the oldest Protestant in Germany. The cheeks show different affiliations such as For example: those of the bathers, the anchor smiths, the executioners, the boatmen's company, etc. On the benches of the porters are not marked with a symbol, but two late Gothic light domes were attached. These were carried before the processions before the Reformation. The more valuable of the two candlesticks shows Mary with the child twice. The crowning candle reminds of the eternal light. During the renovation, the stalls were rearranged according to a new concept until 1978.
  • A painting hangs on the north side of the chancel, depicting a mighty warship in front of the panorama of the city of Wismar.
  • The Epiphany group from the first half of the 15th century was originally in St. Georgen, it was brought to this church in 1945. It was part of a winged altar. The figures were painted over several times, the baroque color version was exposed again in 1997. Medieval paintings came to light underneath and remains of old gilding can be seen. The almost life-size figures are carved from oak. Exceptions are the vessel of the third king, which is made of limewood, and the right arm of the kneeling king was carved from walnut. The group consists of four individual figures. Our Lady is sitting on a bench with the baby Jesus on her lap. Balthasar originally held a box filled with gold that was lost. Melchior and Kaspar bring frankincense and myrrh in vessels, in contrast to Balthasar they wear crowns.
  • A carved altar shows the depiction of Anna herself three between the figures of Saints Martin and George. He is currently in the North Chapel.
  • The late Gothic altar shrine in the north chapel comes from St. Georgen. The apocalyptic Madonna is flanked by Saints Martin and George. She wears a star cloak and stands on a crescent moon. The boy Jesus holds a globe in his left hand and is blessing with his right hand. Georg fights with the kite and Martin gives alms to someone in need. Scenes from the life of Mary are depicted on the wings. This altar is no longer in the church.
  • The ship painting was painted around 1600. It stands for the economic prosperity of the city of Wismar. A magnificent ship adorned with flags returns to port. Wismar is shown as a panorama in the background. You can see the church towers still covered with helmets, which also serve as navigation marks. The Schiffer-Compagnie had the painting restored in 1836, and a second restoration was carried out in 1938.


  • Michael Bunners: The Holy Spirit Hospital in Wismar. Peda art guide No. 125, 2003, ISBN 3-930102-30-7
  • Michael Bunners The Holy Spirit Hospital in Wismar Peda-Art Guide No. 862/2012, ISBN 978-3-89643-862-1
  • Friedrich Schlie : The art and history monuments of the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Volume II: The district court districts of Wismar, Grevesmühlen, Rehna, Gadebusch and Schwerin. Schwerin 1898, reprint Schwerin 1992, p. 156ff. ISBN 3-910179-06-1
  • Hans Christian Feldmann, Gerd Baier, Dietlinde Brugmann, Antje Heling and Barbara Rimpel, Dehio-Handbuch Handbuch der Deutschen Kunstdenkmäler Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Deutscher Kunstverlag 2000, ISBN 3-422-03081-6

Web links

Commons : Holy Spirit Church  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Hospital Church
  2. ^ Reference to the location for the SOKO Wismar
  3. Approval of the churchyard  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.kirche-mv.de  
  4. ^ Hans Christian Feldmann, Gerd Baier, Dietlinde Brugmann, Antje Heling and Barbara Rimpel, Dehio-Handbuch Handbuch der Deutschen Kunstdenkmäler Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Deutscher Kunstverlag 2000, ISBN 3-422-03081-6 , page 691
  5. Consecration of the main altar  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.kirche-mv.de  
  6. ^ Hans Christian Feldmann, Gerd Baier, Dietlinde Brugmann, Antje Heling and Barbara Rimpel, Dehio-Handbuch Handbuch der Deutschen Kunstdenkmäler Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Deutscher Kunstverlag 2000, ISBN 3-422-03081-6 , page 691
  7. ^ Hans Christian Feldmann, Gerd Baier, Dietlinde Brugmann, Antje Heling and Barbara Rimpel, Dehio-Handbuch Handbuch der Deutschen Kunstdenkmäler Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Deutscher Kunstverlag 2000, ISBN 3-422-03081-6 , page 691
  8. Michael Bunners The Holy Spirit Hospital in Wismar Peda-Art Guide No. 862/2012, ISBN 978-3-89643-862-1 , page 3
  9. ^ Hans Christian Feldmann, Gerd Baier, Dietlinde Brugmann, Antje Heling and Barbara Rimpel, Dehio-Handbuch Handbuch der Deutschen Kunstdenkmäler Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Deutscher Kunstverlag 2000, ISBN 3-422-03081-6 , page 691
  10. Note on the long house  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.kirche-mv.de  
  11. ↑ Vaulted cellar  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.kirche-mv.de  
  12. Relocation of the sick  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.kirche-mv.de  
  13. Christiane Rossner: The wall puzzle from Wismar , Monuments edition 6/2019, p. 7
  14. ^ Hans Christian Feldmann, Gerd Baier, Dietlinde Brugmann, Antje Heling and Barbara Rimpel, Dehio-Handbuch Handbuch der Deutschen Kunstdenkmäler Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Deutscher Kunstverlag 2000, ISBN 3-422-03081-6 , page 691
  15. ^ Hans Christian Feldmann, Gerd Baier, Dietlinde Brugmann, Antje Heling and Barbara Rimpel, Dehio-Handbuch Handbuch der Deutschen Kunstdenkmäler Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Deutscher Kunstverlag 2000, ISBN 3-422-03081-6 , page 691
  16. Michael Bunners The Holy Spirit Hospital in Wismar Peda-Art Guide No. 862/2012, ISBN 978-3-89643-862-1 , page 4
  17. ^ Hans Christian Feldmann, Gerd Baier, Dietlinde Brugmann, Antje Heling and Barbara Rimpel, Dehio-Handbuch Handbuch der Deutschen Kunstdenkmäler Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Deutscher Kunstverlag 2000, ISBN 3-422-03081-6 , page 691
  18. Michael Bunners The Holy Spirit Hospital in Wismar Peda-Art Guide No. 862/2012, ISBN 978-3-89643-862-1 , pages 37 and 38
  19. Michael Bunners The Holy Spirit Hospital in Wismar Peda-Art Guide No. 862/2012, ISBN 978-3-89643-862-1 , page 38
  20. Michael Bunners The Holy Spirit Hospital in Wismar Peda Art Guide No. 862/2012, ISBN 978-3-89643-862-1 , pages 11 and 12
  21. ^ Hans Christian Feldmann, Gerd Baier, Dietlinde Brugmann, Antje Heling and Barbara Rimpel, Dehio-Handbuch Handbuch der Deutschen Kunstdenkmäler Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Deutscher Kunstverlag 2000, ISBN 3-422-03081-6 , pages 691 to 692
  22. Michael Bunners The Holy Spirit Hospital in Wismar Peda-Art Guide No. 862/2012, ISBN 978-3-89643-862-1 , page 36
  23. Michael Bunners The Holy Spirit Hospital in Wismar Peda-Art Guide No. 862/2012, ISBN 978-3-89643-862-1 , page 31
  24. Michael Bunners The Holy Spirit Hospital in Wismar Peda-Kunstführer No. 862/2012, ISBN 978-3-89643-862-1 , pages 29 and 30
  25. Pictures from the interior
  26. Epiphany
  27. Michael Bunners The Holy Spirit Hospital in Wismar Peda-Art Guide No. 862/2012, ISBN 978-3-89643-862-1 , page 19
  28. Michael Bunners The Holy Spirit Hospital in Wismar Peda-Kunstführer No. 862/2012, ISBN 978-3-89643-862-1 , pages 24 and 25
  29. Michael Bunners The Holy Spirit Hospital in Wismar Peda-Kunstführer No. 862/2012, ISBN 978-3-89643-862-1 , pages 31 and 32

Coordinates: 53 ° 53 ′ 31 ″  N , 11 ° 27 ′ 41 ″  E