Local history and history association Nörvenich

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Local history and history association of the municipality of Nörvenich e. V.
(HGV Nörvenich)
purpose Research and presentation of the history of the community of Nörvenich as well as the home care
Chair: Heinz-Arthur Bergrath
Establishment date: 2.6.1999 (new foundation)
Number of members: about 160
Seat : Norvenich
Website: www.hgv-noervenich.de

The homeland and history association Nörvenich (full name: Heimat- und Geschichtsverein der Gemeinde Nörvenich eV) ( HGV Nörvenich ) is the history association for the municipality of Nörvenich in the Düren district in North Rhine-Westphalia .

The association existed under the name of History and Local History Association since the 1970s. In the absence of members and due to the death of the chairman Heinrich Heesel, all exhibits came to the Nörvenich community in accordance with the statutes. On June 2, 1999, the association was re-established under its current name.

According to the statutes , the association makes it its task to arouse interest in local history and to promote awareness of the wealth of important local history. In addition, the association offers lectures, excursions, its own exhibitions and visits to exhibitions. In addition, he takes care of the establishment and maintenance of an archive on the history of the individual places in the municipality, the protection of the existing monuments and the maintenance of relationships with neighboring local history associations and with public and private archives.

The so-called "Monday Round" meets on two Mondays a month. At these meetings, proposals for the respective annual program are drawn up, working groups are formed on specific subject areas and upcoming decisions are discussed and implemented.

Once a year the HGV offers a lecture on a specific topic. In addition, there are lectures about the community in the local nursing homes at irregular intervals . Study trips round off the club's activities. Since 2018, the HGV has been setting up steel steles at certain sights , on which the respective sight is explained to the visitors in text and images (see Obere Mühle (Nörvenich) ). Our own explorations and excavations brought relics from Roman times to light, such as B. Roman coins. Every year a picture calendar is published on a specific topic. In addition, broadcasts are produced in loose succession with the Erste Düren radio association on the local Radio Rur .

Contributions to history (selection)

  • The Pingsheim Peace , Heinrich Heesel †, Contributions to the History of the Nörvenicher Land, 1979.
  • Legends, stories, legends from the community of Nörvenich , Karl Heinz Türk , contributions to the history of the Nörvenich country, 1980.
  • The Counts of Nörvenich, Saffenberg and Molbach in their environment , Heinrich Heesel †, Contributions to the History of the Nörvenicher Land, 1986.
  • Moritz, Martha and the others: when the Neffeltal became free of Jews , Herbert Pelzer , 2012, ISBN 978-3-942513-04-3 .
  • Nörvenich fortyfive: After the war in the Neffeltal , Herbert Pelzer, 2015, ISBN 978-3-942513-28-9 .

Web links and sources