Heinrich Albert (politician, 1896)

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Heinrich Albert (born May 24, 1896 in Schönberg (Mecklenburg) , † May 26, 1971 in Hamburg ) was a German politician. He was co-founder and deputy state chairman of the CDU in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania from 1948 to 1950.


Heinrich Albert was born as the son of the insurance employee of the same name in Schönberg, Mecklenburg. After attending primary and secondary school, Albert began commercial training in Schwerin in 1910 . From 1914 to 1919 he took part in the First World War in Verdun and Pripjet as a soldier and NCO. In 1921 Albert and his brother founded the wood, veneer and plywood wholesaler, Gebrüder Albert, in Schwerin, which was located on Wismarschen Strasse.

Heinrich Albert only became politically active after the Second World War. In June 1945 he was a co-founder of the CDU. With numerous former members of the Schwerin DDP he formed the CDU regional association Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Albert had been a member of the state executive since it was founded in July 1945, but had no political mandate. In 1948 he was elected deputy state chairman, not least due to the intervention of the occupying power. During the Union's cleanup campaign in 1950, Albert was also targeted by the SED . The Landes-Zeitung attacked him personally for immoral behavior, while the MfS tried to blackmail him into cooperation under threat of expropriation. Finally Albert fled to Hamburg .


  • Christian Schwießelmann: The CDU in Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania 1945 to 1952. From the foundation to the dissolution of the regional association. A representation of party history . Droste, Düsseldorf 2010, ISBN 978-3-7700-1909-0 , ( research and sources on contemporary history 58).
  • Martin Broszat , Hermann Weber (Ed.): SBZ manual. State administrations, parties, social organizations and their executives in the Soviet zone of occupation in Germany 1945 - 1949 . 2nd Edition. Oldenbourg, Munich 1993, ISBN 3-486-55262-7 , p. 536.