Heinrich Ambros Eckert

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Heinrich Ambros Eckert (also Heinrich Ambrosius Eckert ; born October 16, 1807 in Würzburg , † February 10, 1840 in Munich ) was a German history , battle and genre painter and lithographer .


Heinrich Ambros Eckert, beach scene with fishermen

Heinrich Ambros Eckert was the son of a master butcher. After his apprenticeship with Carl Caspar Fesel , he enrolled on November 2, 1825 at the Munich Royal Academy of Fine Arts for the subject of history painting, where he oriented himself towards Peter von Hess and Albrecht Adam . Study trips took him to Tyrol and France, in 1831 he traveled to Paris, from there to Brittany and Normandy; possibly he also visited Russia. In 1834 he returned to Munich. From 1835 to 1840 he created around 800 lithographs for the comprehensive work: All of Europe's troops in collaboration with Dietrich Monten . The work was published by Christian Weiß in Würzburg between 1838 and 1843. In addition to war and hunting scenes, battle paintings and depictions of horses, he also painted sea and port views.


  • The German Armed Forces in characteristic groups , Frankfurt am Main, Weidlich, ( reprint )
  • The German Armed Forces and the Swiss Army , Dortmund, Harenberg, ( Reprint )


Individual evidence

  1. [1] Matriculation

Web links

Commons : Heinrich Ambros Eckert  - Collection of images, videos and audio files