Heinrich Bade

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Heinrich Bade (born March 25, 1823 in Röbel , † March 30, 1908 in Schwerin ) was a German municipal official, most recently mayor of Schwerin.


Bade studied law at the University of Rostock , the University of Leipzig and the University of Jena . He became a member of the Corps Hanseatia Rostock, Misnia III (1842) and Saxonia Jena (1843). In 1849 he first settled in Güstrow as a lawyer . In 1852 he passed the judge's exam. In 1858 he was elected Senator of Schwerin. In 1866 he became a police conductor, and in 1873 city counsel at the same time. On October 1, 1879, he became the second mayor of the city administration, and in March 1883 he was promoted to the position of first mayor. On July 1, 1883, he was given the character of a Privy Councilor. Bade made outstanding contributions to organizing fire extinguishing in the Mecklenburg capital. Since 1879 he also chaired the school board. For health reasons, he applied for retirement in April 1898, which the city's magistrate allowed him with effect from July 1, 1898.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Enrollment of Heinrich Bade in the Rostock matriculation portal
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 94/34; 76/167.
  3. Schwerin City Archives, personnel file, signature M 3785