Heinrich Horvatin

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Heinrich Horvatin (* 1890 in Frankfurt am Main , † 1970) was a German architect of the Modern , which particularly with Catholic religious buildings emerged. Together with Josef Bachem , he was involved in the churches of St. Augustine and St. Martin in the Berlin area . Horvatin is considered a representative of Expressionism .


After studying architecture at the Technical University (Berlin-) Charlottenburg , Horvatin joined Josef Bachem's architectural office in Berlin in 1919. Under the name Atelier Bachem & Horvatin , they initially designed and built primarily villas and apartment buildings for private clients. At the same time, they took part in architectural competitions . With their unconventional design for St. Augustine's Church , they won first prize and were able to carry out their first major commission. This made them known in the parishes and further orders followed. Her designs consistently rely on elements of the New Objectivity . They dispensed with both traditional church forms and traditional decorative elements.

In 1943 Horvatin lived in Berlin-Westend , Stallupöner Allee 47.

After the end of World War II , Horvatin returned to his hometown. He found Carl Rummel as a new office partner ; Together with him, he was able to build other churches in the Frankfurt area in the 1950s.

Buildings and designs

  • 1920–1921: Catholic Church of St. Augustine in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg , Dänenstrasse 17/18
  • 1929–1930: St. Martin's Catholic Church in Berlin-Kaulsdorf , Giesestrasse 47
    Bachem and Horvatin created an important New Objectivity church building with St. Martin. They did without a closed structure and instead chose a chain of individual structures that are directly related to one another. The tower front of the ornament-less clinker building is vertically divided by a narrow window slot and faces the street.
  • 1951: St. Nikolaus Catholic Church in Eschborn
    The construction goes back to several years of planning by Horvatin and Rummel, who also directed the construction.
  • 1953: Catholic Church of St. Martinus Christ-König in Okriftel
  • 1953: Maria Rosenkranz Church in Frankfurt-Seckbach (together with Carl Rummel)

Individual evidence

  1. Horvatin, Heinrich . In: Berliner Adreßbuch , 1943, part 1, p. 1196. “Architect”.
  2. Detailed information on the Church of St. Nikolaus in Eschborn
  3. ^ Church building in Eschborn
  4. ^ Church of St. Martinus Höchst-Christ in Hattersheim, district Okriftel