Heinrich Kanz

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Heinrich Kanz (born April 27, 1927 - † April 8, 2017 ) was a German university lecturer and professor of education .


Heinrich Kanz studied history, Latin and Catholic theology. His dissertation was on European school education. In 1968 he was a professor at the Pedagogical Universities (PH) Koblenz and Trier. In 1969 he became rector of the PH Koblenz. In 1977 he became a full professor at the University of Education in the Rhineland , Bonn department. From 1980 until his retirement in 1992 he was director of the seminar for general pedagogy at the pedagogical faculty of the University of Bonn .

The obituary from the University of Bonn emphasizes:

"From his publications the studies on the philosophical foundations of pedagogy, on student resistance in the Third Reich and its pedagogy of social and individual mobility and hiking are to be emphasized."

On his 65th birthday he was honored with a festschrift.

Publications (selection)

  • Humility to be as a permanently indispensable condition of true philosophizing. Your roots in the will to truth. Darmstadt 1950 (Mainz, Philosophical Faculty, dissertation of October 31, 1950, VII + 179 pp.). DNB 481840184
  • European school education. A hermeneutical-pragmatic study. Henn, Ratingen 1964 (110 pages)
  • Introduction to educational philosophy. The meaning of today's philosophizing. 2., ext. u. change Ed., Henn, Wuppertal u. a. 1971 (228 pp.)
  • as publisher: National Socialism as an Educational Problem: German Educational History 1933–1945. Frankfurt am Main / Bern / New York 1984.
  • Introduction to the philosophy of education. Lang, Frankfurt a. M u. a. 1987, ISBN 978-3-8204-0966-6 (197 pages)
  • The Way of St. James as the first European cultural route. Walking pedagogical reflections. Lang, Frankfurt a. M u. a. 1995, ISBN 978-3-631-48407-4 (383 pages)
  • Hiking today. Hiking pedagogy. Peter Lang Edition, Frankfurt (Main) 2013, ISBN 978-3-631-62855-3 (268 pages)
  • (Ed.): National Socialism as an educational problem. German educational history 1933–1945. 2., verb. u. additional edition, Lang, Frankfurt a. M u. a. 1990, ISBN 978-3-631-42637-1 (509 pages)
  • (Ed.): The Student Circle of Friends of the White Rose . Selected excerpts from letters and diaries. Lang, Frankfurt a. M u. a., 2011, ISBN 978-3-631-61916-2 (331 pages)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Obituary notice from the University of Bonn.Retrieved April 30, 2017.
  2. Hildegard Macha , Hans-Joachim Roth (ed.): Education and upbringing history in the 20th century. Festschrift for Heinrich Kanz on his 65th birthday. Lang, Frankfurt a. M u. a., 1992, ISBN 978-3-631-44367-5 .