White Rose
White Rose was the name of a German resistance group against the dictatorship of National Socialism, dominated by students at its core and based essentially on Christian and humanistic values from the tradition of the Bundischen youth . It was created during the Second World War on the initiative of a group of friends around Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell from June 1942 in Munich . Between the end of February and April 1943, with the unmasking, arrest and finally the execution of its formative members, it was now considered illegal- Smashed death sentences from the People's Court chaired by Roland Freisler .
The group wrote, printed and distributed a total of six leaflets in different, tending to increase, circulation, initially in the Munich region itself, later via couriers in some other cities of the Nazi state - especially in southern Germany - using various clandestine distribution channels Copies. In these publications they addressed the crimes of the regime and called for resistance to National Socialism . In the final phase of its existence, the White Rose tried, through Falk Harnack, to expand its contacts to other resistance groups as far as the Reich capital Berlin and to system-opposition circles of the Wehrmacht . After the end of the Battle of Stalingrad, its members also painted public facades in Munich with slogans against Hitler and the Nazi regime.
To the present day, the White Rose is the best-known and symbolic example of the student-bourgeois resistance against the Nazi regime within Germany; In a wider sense, it stands for moral integrity , courage ( civil courage ) and willingness to make sacrifices in the commitment to humanistic-democratic ideals against the background of a totalitarian dictatorship .
The inner circle of the White Rose was formed by the two siblings Hans and Sophie Scholl , Alexander Schmorell , Christoph Probst , Willi Graf and the university professor Kurt Huber .
In addition, other employees and supporters can be attributed to the White Rose, some of whom took part in White Rose activities or similar groups in other university towns even after the Scholl siblings and their friends were arrested. They included Traute Lafrenz , Hans Conrad Leipelt , Marie-Luise Jahn , Hans Hirzel , Susanne Hirzel , Heinz Brenner , Franz J. Müller , Eugen Grimminger , Jürgen Wittenstein , Lilo Ramdohr , Gisela Schertling and Falk Harnack, who later became known as a director . There were also Harald Dohrn , Christoph Probst's father-in-law, the architect Manfred Eickemeyer , in whose studio the White Rose met, the painter Wilhelm Geyer , who rented Eickemeyer's studio and gave Hans Scholl the key to the rooms, and the bookseller Josef Söhngen , whose basement served as a hiding place for the leaflets.
There was also a larger circle of supporters, such as the brothers Wilhelm and Heinrich Bollinger , Rudolf Alt, Helmut Bauer, August Sahm, Hellmut Hartert, Michael Brink (Emil Piepke) , Lilo Dreyfeldt , Hubert Furtwängler , Werner Bergengruen , Josef Furtmeier , Fritz Leist , Günter Ammon , Fred Thieler , Kurt Huber and v. a. Several members came from the Bündische Jugend , for example from dj.1.11 , the Bund New Germany or the Gray Order . In Berlin, leaflets were distributed by the Uncle Emil group , in Hamburg students (a "group of 50 active people", including Hans Leipelt , 30 of whom were arrested in late autumn) formed a group around Heinz Kucharski and Margaretha Rothe which was called the White Rose Hamburg after 1945 .
Origin and motives
The resistance of certain members of the student circle around the White Rose was strongly motivated by Christianity . So z. B. Hans and Susanne Hirzel from the group later called “Ulm high school graduates”, who belonged to the White Rose sympathizers, in a Protestant parsonage; her father was a member of the Confessing Church . Franz J. Müller, Heinrich Guter , Heinz Brenner and Walter Hetzel were Catholics and went to voluntary religious instruction after the regular class was banned in 1941. This was granted by Adolf Eisele , a Father of the Missionary Order of the White Fathers , who was anti-Nazi. He taught z. B. with texts by Thomas Aquinas and discussed critical texts such as For example, the sermons of the Münster bishop Clemens August von Galen against Nazi euthanasia and a protest letter from Galens to the Reich Chancellery. Alexander Schmorell belonged to the Russian Orthodox Church. Hans and Sophie Scholl were raised Christian and with ideals such as freedom, justice and independence and were therefore outraged by the deportation and treatment of both Jews and opponents of the regime. They were also shaped by their mother's piety. Dealing with literature, art and music was a natural part of her childhood. Hans Scholl, Alexander Schmorell and Willi Graf had learned of mass murders in Poland while working at the front in 1942 and observed the misery in the Warsaw ghetto , which moved them to join the resistance after their return to Germany.
After the experiences at the front of the Second World War and the reports of friends about mass murders in Poland and Russia, reading and discussing were no longer enough for them. In June 1942, Alexander Schmorell and Hans Scholl acted. The first four leaflets were written from the end of June to mid-July 1942 and sent anonymously by post to intellectuals in the Munich area. In the winter of the same year, the group was expanded to include Sophie Scholl and Willi Graf.
From July 23 to October 30, 1942 Graf, Scholl and Schmorell had to go to the Eastern Front as paramedics . Upon their return, the students resumed their resistance activities. The fifth leaflet "Call to all Germans!" (With an estimated circulation between 6000 and 9000) was distributed between January 27 and 29, 1943 by courier trips in several southern German and also in some Austrian cities. From the summer of 1942 onwards, the White Rose aimed primarily at “influencing the broad masses of the people”, as Sophie Scholl said after her arrest on February 18, 1943. This goal is made clear by the fact that the leaflet is written in clearly understandable language. After their experience at the front in the East, the students were convinced that the war could no longer be won ("Hitler cannot win the war, only prolong it."). They called for parting from “National Socialist subhumanity”, imperialism and Prussian militarism “for all time”. Their future vision was a federalist Germany in a united Europe after the war.
At the end of January 1943, the Battle of Stalingrad was lost for the German Reich with the surrender of the entire 6th Army under General Field Marshal Paulus to the Red Army . Around 90,000 members of the Wehrmacht were taken prisoners of war, around 150,000 soldiers were killed on the German side alone; more than twice as many people died on the side of the Soviet Union. Stalingrad marked a decisive turning point in the course of the Second World War and led to increased resistance in the European countries occupied by Germany. The majority of the German population was unsettled by this news. In the congress hall of the Deutsches Museum , on the occasion of the 470th anniversary of Munich University on January 13th, there were spontaneous student protests against the speech of the Gauleiter of Munich-Upper Bavaria, Paul Giesler, interspersed with insults against alleged "slackers" and vulgar allusions to the students present . Outraged, the young people, mostly soldiers in uniform, including disabled soldiers, left the room and broke the police barriers. Led by a highly decorated lieutenant in uniform, a group freed fellow students who had already been arrested from the hands of the police.
The events spurred the members of the White Rose to increased activism. The announcement of the end of the fighting for Stalingrad gave the impetus for her sixth leaflet “Fellow Students! Fellow students! ". The appeal, permeated with patriotic passion, came from Kurt Huber. Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell edited the text at the point in which Huber asked for entry into the "wonderful Wehrmacht". Thanks to Helmuth von Moltke , the founder of the Kreisau Circle , this leaflet got through Scandinavia to England. Hundreds of thousands of them were dropped from British planes over Germany in late 1943. They were now headed: "A German Flyer - Manifesto of the Munich Students."
In other cities, friends of the White Rose worked in small groups, handing out leaflets and keeping in touch. "Down with Hitler" and "Freedom" were written on February 3rd, 8th and 15th on the walls of the university and numerous other buildings in Munich. Alexander Schmorell, Hans Scholl and Willi Graf had written the slogans at night with black tar paint and green oil paint using stencils (see also stencil ).
As early as the summer of 1942, the Gestapo initiated investigations into the White Rose leaflets, which were seen as "anti-state efforts". This research was initially unsuccessful and was soon discontinued. From the end of January the Gestapo set up a special commission in Munich to deal with the leaflets that were redistributed.
Arrest and conviction
On the night of February 15-16, 1943, the group distributed 800 to 1200 leaflets in Munich. On the night of February 17 to 18, the Gestapo presented the last two leaflets that had emerged to the Munich Count Richard Harder , instructing him to provide a profile of the perpetrators; a little later he also received the four older ones.
On February 18, Hans and Sophie Scholl came into the university building through the main entrance at around 10:45 a.m. They carried a red-brown suitcase and a briefcase, both filled with the sixth leaflet and a small amount of the fifth. The siblings laid out these leaflets in bursts in front of the still closed lecture halls and in the corridors. When they were already at the rear exit Amalienstraße , they turned around and ran to the first floor, where they put down leaflets again. Then they ran to the second floor, from where Sophie threw the rest of the leaflets over the parapet into the atrium of Munich University. The two were discovered by the lecture hall attendant Jakob Schmid and held by him (and others) until the Gestapo arrived.
First trial
After their arrest, Hans and Sophie Scholl were first transported to the Wittelsbacher Palais , the Gestapo headquarters, where they were interrogated separately for hours until February 21. When he was arrested, Hans Scholl had a draft of a leaflet by Christoph Probst with him, so that he too was arrested and charged. The siblings Scholl and Christoph Probst were sentenced to death by the so-called " blood judge " Roland Freisler at the People's Court . The “co- ordinated ” court named as reasons for this judgment “ decomposition of military strength ”, “ favoring the enemy ” and “preparation for high treason”. The judgment was carried out on February 22nd by the executioner Johann Reichhart using the guillotine . Shortly before the execution, the Scholl siblings saw their parents for the last time.
Second process
Kurt Huber, Willi Graf and Alexander Schmorell were also sentenced to death on April 19, 1943 in a second trial before the People's Court. Kurt Huber and Alexander Schmorell were beheaded on July 13, 1943 in the Munich-Stadelheim prison ; Willi Graf was also executed by guillotine on October 12, 1943, after the Gestapo had tried for months to extract names from those around the Squeezing out white rose.
Hans and Susanne Hirzel , Franz J. Müller , Heinrich Guter , Eugen Grimminger , Heinrich Bollinger , Helmut Bauer, Falk Harnack , Gisela Schertling, Katharina Schüddekopf and Traute Lafrenz were also indicted in this second trial .
The prison sentences varied: Eugen Grimminger was sentenced to ten years in prison, Heinrich Bollinger and Helmut Bauer to seven years each, Hans Hirzel and Franz Müller to five years each, Heinrich Guter to eighteen months. Gisela Schertling, Katharina Schüddekopf and Traute Lafrenz were sentenced to one year in prison, Susanne Hirzel to six months. Falk Harnack was acquitted.
Further processes
Falk Harnack was initially acquitted for “lack of evidence”. When he was to be arrested again in December 1943 and taken to a concentration camp, he managed to escape.
Other helpers and confidants were sentenced in further trials to imprisonment between six months and ten years.
The origin of the name White Rose - derived from the heading The White Rose above the group's first four leaflets - is unclear. Some see a reference to the book The White Rose by B. Traven . After his arrest on February 18, 1943, Hans Scholl stated that he had "chosen the name arbitrarily":
“Coming back to my writing 'The White Rose' I would like to […] explain the following: The name 'The White Rose' is chosen arbitrarily. […] It may be that I chose this name emotionally, because at the time I was directly impressed by Brentano's Spanish romances 'Rosa Blanca'. There is no relationship to the 'White Rose' of English history. "
The informative value of this interrogation situation is, however, unclear; possibly Scholl wanted to keep his motives a secret in order to protect the other members of the group. It can be considered certain that Hans Scholl knew and appreciated the Traven book. In a letter of June 27, 1938 to his sister Inge, Hans Scholl wrote:
“I have the bud of a rose in my breast pocket. I need this little plant because that is the other side, far removed from all soldiery and yet no contradiction to this attitude. "
The symbol of the white rose could also have been influenced by the cherry blossom, a symbol of the German Boyhood from November 1, 1929 , to which Hans and Sophie Scholl belonged. Possibly the name goes back to the drawing of a white rose on a postcard from the Max Baur publishing house . This prompted the soldier Fritz Rook in October 1941 to write a text about what a white rose means to him. Alexander Schmorell liked this text so much that he asked the addressee, Lilo Ramdohr , to be allowed to copy it in order to show it to Hans Scholl.
The historian Sönke Zankel , on the other hand, attributed the naming in his dissertation to an alleged basic attitude of the group of talented students of middle-class origin:
“They thought elitist, especially in the summer of 1942, when their leaflets were still titled 'White Rose'. They named themselves after the exiled nobles during the French Revolution. The name 'White Rose' did not stand for democracy. "
This interpretation, which initially attributed insufficient awareness of democratic values to the resistance group, has been criticized for a woodcut-like approach to the sources.
Reaction of the Munich students
Immediately after her arrest, Sophie Scholl expressed the hope that her death would lead to a revolt among the student body. This expectation turned out to be an illusion on the day of her execution. On this day, a large gathering of students took place in the Auditorium Maximum of Munich University, which is said to have been attended by around 3,000 people. The Rector of Munich University, SS-Oberführer Walther Wüst , reported to the Reich Ministry of Education about its progress : “In this rally ... the Munich student body first brought their contempt for the machinations of those four treasoners in an unusually impressive, even moving way but expresses their determined will to fight and to win, their unshakable loyalty and willingness to devote themselves to leaders and people ”.
This statement is essentially confirmed by the report of a student who was present at the time, who even years later remembered the triumphant appearance of the lecture hall attendant Jakob Schmid, who had arranged for the arrest of the Scholl siblings four days earlier: “The rally in the Auditorium Maximum is one of the most gruesome memories I have left from those days. Hundreds of students hooted and trampled applause to the informer and pedell of the university, who took him standing and with an outstretched arm ”.
Further reactions in Germany and abroad
The White Rose's hope that the Stalingrad disaster would spark open resistance against the regime in Germany was not fulfilled. On the contrary, the National Socialist propaganda used the defeat to swear the population to " total war ". On February 18, 1943, the day the Scholls were arrested, Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels gave his Sportpalast speech to the cheers of his audience .
Shortly after the arrest of the Scholl and Christoph Probsts siblings, the newspapers published searches for Alexander Schmorell. On February 22, 1943, the Munich students had to assemble and officially protest against the "traitors from their ranks". On February 23, 1943, the Völkischer Beobachter and the Munich Latest News published short notes about the arrest and execution of some "degenerate loners". However, the network of friends and supporters of the White Rose turned out to be too large, and the authorities could not completely suppress the rumors. Persecution continued until the end of World War II, and German newspapers reported, mostly in short articles, about the arrest and punishment of other people. On March 15, 1943, a report by the SS Security Service documented that rumors about the leaflets caused "considerable unrest" among the population. The report was particularly concerned about the fact that the leaflets were no longer being delivered to the authorities as reliably as before.
On April 18, 1943, the New York Times published an article under the heading Signs of strain seen in German populace and mentions the resistance of the students in Munich. The New York Times published on 29 March and 25 April 1943 more articles about the first trial under the title Nazis Execute 3 Munich Students For Writing anti-Hitler Pamphlet ( "Nazis directed towards three Munich students because anti-Hitler leaflets") and Germans Clinging to Victory Hope in Fear of Reprisals ("Germans cling to victory for fear of retaliation"). While not all of the information about the resistance, trials, and judgments was correct, these articles constitute the first news of the White Rose in the United States.
On June 27, 1943, the writer and Nobel laureate in literature, Thomas Mann , spoke in his monthly program Deutsche Hörer! on the BBC, admiring the courage of the Munich students. Behind the German front, the Soviet Red Army distributed a propaganda leaflet “Lower the flags over the fresh graves of German freedom fighters!” In honor of the students, which was later incorrectly attributed to the National Committee for Free Germany .
The text of the sixth leaflet of the White Rose was smuggled into Great Britain via Scandinavia by the German lawyer and member of the Kreisau Circle , Helmuth James Graf von Moltke . In July 1943, the text entitled "A German Flyer" was dropped from Allied aircraft over Germany. The resistance of the White Rose was thus already known to large parts of the German population during the war.
Remembrance and commemoration to this day
Memory in Munich
Today the two squares in front of the main university building in Munich are named after the siblings Scholl and Prof. Huber, in front of the entrance, stone leaflets embedded in the floor are reminiscent of the White Rose. These were destroyed by strangers on the night of April 4, 2006, but the leaflets were to be renewed anyway. Inside the main building of the university, a stone white rose and a relief with the image of the members of the white rose in the southwest corner of the atrium with the names of the members carved over it remind of the resistance group. At the atrium is the 1997 association of the White Rose Foundation e. V. established the White Rose Memorial with the permanent exhibition The White Rose. The resistance of students against Hitler, Munich 1942/43 . On February 22, 2005, a bronze bust of Sophie Scholl made by Nikolai Tregor Jr. was unveiled in the northwest corner . You and the two rulers, King Ludwig I and Prince Regent Luitpold, are the only people to whom a memorial was erected in this area of the LMU.
The University's Institute for Political Science has been known as the Geschwister-Scholl-Institut since 1968 . In the student town of Freimann , built in the 1960s , several streets were named after members of the White Rose . In addition, the student councils and the AStA of the Ludwig Maximilians University tried in vain to rename the university to “Geschwister-Scholl-Universität”.
The first trial against Sophie and Hans Scholl as well as against Christoph Probst took place on February 22nd, 1943 in the courtroom of the Munich Palace of Justice, Prielmayerstraße 7, the second trial against another 14 defendants, including Professor Huber, Alexander Schmorell and Willi Graf, on 19th April 1943 in meeting room 216 (today: 253). This meeting room is now a memorial and can be visited on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., but not from April 10 to May 31 and from October 10 to November 30 (because of the state legal examinations that take place at these times).
One of the few well-known photos in which several members of the White Rose can be seen together (Sophie Scholl, Hans Scholl, Alexander Schmorell, Willi Graf and Hubert Furtwängler) was taken on July 23, 1942 on Orleansstrasse, across from house number 63, at the end of 2017 it became known that the fence could possibly be torn down due to the upcoming S-Bahn expansion. The Au-Haidhausen district committee is committed to preserving the fence as an "original location of historical importance".
Honorary grave and memorial of Willi Graf
In 1946 Willi Graf's remains were transferred to the St. Johann cemetery in Saarbrücken and have been in a grave of honor ever since. On October 12, 2009, on the occasion of the 66th anniversary of his death, a memorial was erected in the form of a small building near the grave. It contains pictures and quotes from Willi Graf and a summary of his life story. His sister Anneliese Knoop-Graf, who died shortly before the exhibition opened, helped design the texts.
Remembrance and canonization of Alexander Schmorell
The Russian Orthodox Church abroad decided to canonize Alexander Schmorell in 2007. The canonization ceremony took place on February 4, 2012 in the Munich Cathedral Church, near the graves of the Scholl siblings, Christoph Probsts and Alexander Schmorells in the Perlacher Forst cemetery .
In Orenburg , Russia, Alexander Schmorell Scholarships, financed by the White Rose Foundation, have been awarded to four students every year since 2000. The Orenburg Memorial Center White Rose has existed since 2004 (bilingual, German-Russian permanent exhibition in the Orenburg State Pedagogical University).
Sibling Scholl Prize
The Geschwister Scholl Prize , endowed with 10,000 euros, has been awarded since 1980 . The literature prize is awarded by the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels - Landesverband Bayern, together with the cultural department of the state capital of Munich. The purpose and aim of the Geschwister-Scholl-Prize is to annually award a recent book that testifies to intellectual independence and is suitable for promoting civil liberty, moral, intellectual and aesthetic courage and giving important impulses to the present sense of responsibility.
White Rose Foundation
In 1987 members of the White Rose and relatives of the executed members of the White Rose founded the White Rose Foundation in Munich . V. as a registered non-profit association. The office is located in the main building of the Ludwig Maximilians University. The foundation was supported by cities and communities in which the members of the White Rose lived and resisted. The aim of the White Rose Foundation, which is largely financed by donations, is to keep the memory of the resistance of the White Rose alive at home and abroad and to set impulses for tolerance and against racism and xenophobia. The White Rose Foundation runs the permanent exhibition in the White Rose Memorial at the atrium of the Ludwig Maximilians University, offers tours of the exhibition and rents touring exhibitions in eight languages at home and abroad. Her work also focuses on historical and educational projects with schools and themed events.
Ulm Memorial White Rose
The permanent and traveling exhibition of the White Rose Memorial in Ulm with the title “We wanted the other” - Young People in Ulm 1933 to 1945 was created on the initiative of Franz J. Müller (Honorary Chairman of the White Rose Foundation). It is a project of the White Rose Foundation , Ulm Adult Education Center (vh Ulm) and the German Adult Education Association - funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation . The memorial is located in downtown Ulm in the EinsteinHaus of the vh on Kornhausplatz. The vh was re-founded in 1946 by Inge Aicher-Scholl in the spirit of the “White Rose” in the Martin Luther Church .
In addition to the Ulm members of the White Rose Hans and Sophie Scholl , Franz J. Müller , Hans and Susanne Hirzel and Heiner Guter , 22 Ulmer people are portrayed in the permanent exhibition of the Ulm Memorial White Rose, who did not belong to the "White Rose", but also as Young people resisted National Socialism or otherwise refused to accept the regime.
In the Soviet occupation zone and later the German Democratic Republic , numerous streets and facilities were named after the Scholl siblings, although the group had a Christian background, while the GDR leadership emphasized the communist resistance. Most of the names after the Scholls were made immediately after the end of the war until the early 1950s. A frequent initiator was the Association of Victims of the Nazi Regime (VVN). Although the VVN was soon considered to have been infiltrated by communists in the western zones and the early Federal Republic, it itself emphasized its non-partisan nature and, in particular in its work of remembrance and commemoration, despite various attempts at appropriation by the KPD / SED, knew how to maintain a certain independence. This ultimately led to the VVN being banned in the GDR in 1953.
The Scholl siblings were intended to serve as conscientious and humanistic role models, especially for children and young people, which is why many schools were named after them (e.g. in Löbau , Freiberg , Sondershausen ). In Leipzig, the former building of the commercial college was rededicated in the Geschwister-Scholl-Haus in 1948 and has since served the university as the headquarters of various institutions.
In the course of the Stalinization, the preference for the Scholl siblings and for other protagonists of the White Rose when naming them came under criticism. The head of the Berlin VVN research center, Klaus Lehmann, described the frequent dedications in a letter dated January 6, 1951 to Hermann Axen , head of the agitation and propaganda department of the SED Central Committee, as an indication of the action of "reactionary forces". The previous honors of the group were "in no relation to their activities and certainly not to the struggle of the proletarian resistance fighters." Instead, more dedications to Ernst Thälmann and other communists should be carried out. As a result, there were largely no further honors. On the other hand, there was no active decanonization of the Christian-motivated resistance.
Further honors and commemorations
In memory of the White Rose, Freimut Börngen, as the discoverer of an asteroid, gave it the name (7571) White Rose .
In the Marburg district of Ockershausen, a memorial was built on the site of the former Tannenberg barracks. On the so-called White Rose Square there is an abstract monument that stands on a fountain. In the extension of the ramp of the fountain there are memorial plaques a few dozen meters away.
In May 2003, members of the resistance group founded the Weisse Rose Institute , which is supposed to scientifically examine and honor the group's achievements. The association initiates and promotes the implementation of research projects.
In Berlin-Spandau (district of Wilhelmstadt ), by resolution of the Spandau district council meeting in August 2020, a space in the immediate vicinity of the site of the former Spandau war crimes prison, which was demolished in 1987 after the death of the last prisoner, Rudolf Hess , was named the White Square Rose . With the designation, the district assembly wanted to set a “clear signal against National Socialist ideas”.
In Paris there is a high school called “Collège La Rose Blanche” and a public garden “Jardin Hans et Sophie Scholl”.
In 2005, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the destruction of the Saxon state capital Dresden by Allied air bombs in 1945, the city initiated the “White Rose” campaign. Since then, this has been borne by the citizens on the anniversary of the destruction of Dresden and promotes that the anniversary of February 13th should not be instrumentalized by anti-democratic and inhuman ideologies, attitudes and actions. The white artificial rose in Dresden is a sign of overcoming racism, violence and war.
Cultural reception
Exhibitions on the White Rose
- In the Ulmer Denkstätte White Rose , the permanent exhibition is "The White Rose. The resistance of students against Hitler. Munich 1942/43 ”can be visited. In addition, a current solo exhibition on a member of the White Rose is shown every year. It is a permanent exhibition in the foyer of the Ulm Adult Education Center ; the traveling exhibition can be borrowed in German.
Concert pieces, opera and theater
- Hans Werner Henze In memoriam: The White Rose. Double fugue for 12 instruments. World premiere on March 16, 1965 in Bologna (Teatro Comunale; Rassegna della Resistenza Europea; members of the Orchestra Comunale di Bologna, conductor: Bruno Maderna )
- White rose . Opera by Udo Zimmermann , 1967/68, opera in eight images, libretto by Ingo Zimmermann
- White rose . Opera by Udo Zimmermann, 1986, scenes for two singers and instrumental ensemble, libretto by Wolfgang Willaschek
- The White Rose - From the Archives of Terror by Jutta Schubert , published by the theater publisher Brigitte-Korn Wimmer, Munich. The play was premiered on September 30, 2004 by the Munich Junge Schauspiel Ensemble in the Reithalle Munich. (Director: Michael Stacheder)
- The White Rose by Lillian Groag , German by Constanze Hagelberg , play published by Pegasus Theater- und Medienverlag, Berlin.
- Sophie Scholl - the last days. The play by Betty Hensel and Fred Breinersdorfer based on his script, premiered on February 28, 2008 at the Schauspielhaus Salzburg under the direction of the author .
- Der Pedell , 1971, directed by Eberhard Itzenplitz . The television play producedfor ZDF is about the denunciation of the Scholl siblings by peddlers from Munich University.
- The White Rose , 1982, directed by Michael Verhoeven , Lena Stolze in the role of Sophie Scholl and Wulf Kessler as Hans Scholl. The film tells the story from the founding of the resistance group to the arrest of its members.
- Last Five Days , 1982, directed by Percy Adlon . Again with Lena Stolze as Sophie Scholl, Five Last Days ties inwith Verhoeven's film and shows the last days in Sophie Scholl's life from the perspective of her fellow prisoner Else Gebel .
- The Little Sister - The White Rose: A Legacy , 2002, written and directed by Michael Verhoeven
- Sophie Scholl - The Last Days , 2005, director: Marc Rothemund , screenplay: Fred Breinersdorfer , research: Ulrich Chaussy , Julia Jentsch as Sophie Scholl and Alexander Held as Robert Mohr. The film shows the last days of Sophie Scholl's lifeafter her arrest by the Gestapo. At the Berlinale 2005, Marc Rothemund was awarded the silver bear for best director and Julia Jentsch as best leading actressfor this film. The film was also nominated for an Oscar .
- The Resistance - Witnesses of the White Rose , 2008, script and direction: Katrin Seybold , production: Katrin Seybold Film GmbH in cooperation with the RBB. The documentary combines interviews with contemporary witnesses with companions, friends and siblings of the White Rose members who are still alive, in which these people report how they supported the leaflet campaigns and how they experienced the interrogations at the Gestapo and the trials before the People's Court, with previously unpublished photos , for example of crime scenes, Gestapo officers, judges and executioners.
Light music
- The white rose song by Konstantin Wecker
- The White Rose Song of the Maniacs
- The White Rose by Serious-Music from Duisburg (music, vocal, video) and the American Paul Dempsey (lyrics).
Radio plays
- In spite of all violence, get up. The story of the white rose. CD-ROM for PC. by Ulrich Chaussy, Systhema Verlag, Munich (1995), based on the cassette edition, order no. 27288 from 1993, TR-Verlagsunion München
- Sophie Scholl - The interrogation. Oskar Verlag, 2006. In this listening document, the previously unpublished interrogation protocols are discussed in full. Speaker: Anna Clarin (Sophie Scholl) and Konstantin Wecker (Robert Mohr)
- Hard mind and soft heart. The intellectual environment of the White Rose. Audiobook publisher auditorium maximum 2007. An audio collage about the discussion of the White Rose with philosophical and theological topics and the environment of the White Rose. (Author: Barbara Ellermeier)
- White Rose Risk. Documentary radio play in two parts Long live freedom! and your spirit lives on. Katrin Seybold , Michael Farin , BR , 2012.
Literature (selection)
- Detlef Bald : The White Rose. Structure, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-351-02546-7 . (Paperback edition: Aufbau, Berlin 2004, ISBN 3-7466-8116-2 ).
- Lilo Fürst-Ramdohr : Friendships in the White Rose. History workshop Neuhausen , Munich 1995, ISBN 3-931231-00-3 .
- Michael Kißener , Bernhard Schäfers (Ed.): “Passing on”. Studies on the "White Rose". Festschrift for Anneliese Knoop-Graf on her 80th birthday. UVK, Konstanz 2000, ISBN 3-87940-727-4 .
- Christian Petry: Students on the scaffold. The white rose and its failure , Piper Verlag, Munich 1968.
- Inge Scholl : The White Rose. Frankfurt am Main 1955. (Extended new edition: Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1993, ISBN 3-596-11802-6 ).
- Hans Scholl / Sophie Scholl: Letters and Notes. Edited by Inge Jens . S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1984. ISBN 3-10-036402-3 . (Awarded as one of the most beautiful German books.)
- Barbara Schüler: "In the spirit of the murdered ..." The "White Rose" and its effect in the post-war period. Schöningh, Paderborn et al. 2000, ISBN 3-506-76828-X (also dissertation at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen 1998). (Digitized version)
- Harald Steffahn: The White Rose. Rowohlt, Reinbek near Hamburg 1992, ISBN 3-499-50498-7 .
- Helmut Moll (publisher on behalf of the German Bishops' Conference), witnesses for Christ. The German Martyrology of the 20th Century , Paderborn et al. 1999, 7th, updated and revised edition 2019, ISBN 978-3-506-78012-6 , 486–489, 491–493, 507–509.
- Sönke Zankel: With leaflets against Hitler. The resistance group around Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell. Böhlau, Cologne and others 2008, ISBN 978-3-412-20038-1 .
- Igor Khramov: The Russian soul of the "White Rose". Helios, Aachen 2013, ISBN 978-3-86933-099-0 .
- Gregor Fernbach (Ed.): “Don't forget God!” - Life and work of the holy martyr of Munich, (Alexander) Schmorell. Edition Hagia Sophia, Wachtendonk 2013, ISBN 978-3-937129-85-3 .
- Jutta Schubert : The sky is too blue in February. Culture machines, Berlin, 2013, ISBN 978-3-943977-01-1 .
- Miriam Gebhardt : The White Rose. How normal Germans became resistance fighters. DVA, Munich, 2017, ISBN 978-3-421-04730-4 .
- Robert M. Zoske : Longing for the light - On the religious development of Hans Scholl. Unpublished poems, letters and texts. Herbert Utz, Munich 2014, ISBN 978-3-8316-4321-9 .
- Robert M. Zoske: Be a flame! Hans Scholl and the White Rose - A Biography. CH Beck, Munich 2018, ISBN 978-3-406-70025-5 . (Reading sample online as PDF).
Web links
- Literature on the White Rose in the catalog of the German National Library
- Bibliography on the White Rose compiled by the University Library of the LMU Munich
- Link catalog on the subject of white rose at curlie.org (formerly DMOZ )
- Sophie Scholl and the "White Rose". Dossier, Federal Agency for Civic Education
- White Rose at Planet Wissen , August 10, 2016
- Christopher Beckmann, Jürgen Nielsen-Sikora : "Long live freedom." The resistance of the White Rose in the name of German youth. In: Konrad Adenauer Foundation
- Bernd Kleinhans: The White Rose: A resistance group of Munich students. In: The future needs memories
- Leaflet I ( text / original as PDF )
- Leaflet II ( text / original as PDF )
- Leaflet III ( text / original as PDF )
- Leaflet IV ( text / original as PDF )
- Leaflet V ( text / original as PDF )
- Leaflet VI ( text / original as PDF )
- Remington Portable 2 - the type of typewriter the leaflets were written on.
- White Rose leaflets in the Gutenberg-DE project
- The Song of the White Rose - "Close your eyes and ears" song interpretation
Individual evidence
- ↑ Ulli Stang (ed.): Sophie and Hans Scholl: February 22nd, 1942 murdered by Nazis. Edited by DKP Marburg, district group North Am Grün 9, Marburg 1983, p. 4.
- ↑ Benedikt Pfister : “Stand up to the Nazis!” The Ulm high school graduates under National Socialism. Saarbrücken 2008.
- ↑ Michael Kuckenburg: This gave rise to opposition in our country. In: teaching practice. Supplement to education and science. of the Baden-Württemberg Education and Science Union, Issue No. 5, September 20, 2013, ISSN 0178-0786 , p. 6.
- ↑ Cf. Heinz A.Brenner: Against. Report on the resistance of pupils of the Humanist Gymnasium Ulm / Donau against the German National Socialist dictatorship. Roth, Leutkirch 1992, ISBN 3-9800035-4-X , pp. 9-16 and 20-29 and http://www.schwaebische.de/home_artikel,-Zivilcourage-ist-seine-Staerke-_arid,1508046.html
- ↑ Excerpts from the interrogation protocols of Sophie Scholl. In: Federal Agency for Civic Education . April 20, 2005.
- ↑ Gerhard Schott: Richard Harder , classical philologist, first interpreter of the leaflets of the "White Rose" and the "Institute for Indo-European Spiritual History". In: Elisabeth Kraus (Ed.): The University of Munich in the Third Reich. Essays. Volume 2., Utz , Munich 2008 (Contributions to the history of the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Volume 4) ISBN 978-3-8316-0727-3 , pp. 413-500.
- ↑ The death sentence and the rationale. In: Federal Agency for Civic Education . April 20, 2005.
- ↑ The guillotine of the Scholl siblings is still soaked in blood augsburger-allgemeine.de of January 10, 2014, accessed on June 25, 2019.
- ↑ Friends and supporters on bpb.de, from April 20, 2005, accessed on January 23, 2018.
- ^ Peter Steinbach , Johannes Tuchel : Resistance against the National Socialist dictatorship 1933-1945. (= Information series on political education. Volume 243). Bonn 2004.
- ↑ Alexander Schwabe: White Rose Resistance Circle: “Let's finally stop drawing the image of demigods”. In: Spiegel Online , September 14, 2006.
- ↑ Herbert Ammon: The historical tragedy of the White Rose and the political morality of those who were born afterwards. In: Globkult.de .
- ↑ Quoted from: Michael Grüttner : Students in the Third Reich. Paderborn 1995, p. 470, ISBN 3-506-77492-1 .
- ↑ Quoted from: Michael Grüttner: Students in the Third Reich. Paderborn 1995, p. 470.
- ^ Munich Latest News. February 23, 1943.
- ^ Corina Petrescu: Against all odds. Models of subversive spaces in National Socialist Germany. Peter Lang Publishers, Bern 2010, ISBN 978-3-03911-845-8 (English).
- ↑ Heinz Boberach (Ed.): Messages from the Reich. The secret situation reports of the SS Security Service 1938–1945 . Pawlak Verlag, Herrsching, S. 4944 .
- ^ Signs of strain seen in German populace . In: New York Times. April 18, 1943, p. 13. (online) , accessed April 25, 2016 (English).
- ↑ George Axelsson: Nazis Execute 3 Munich Students For Writing Anti-Hitler Pamphlets. In: New York Times . March 29, 1943, p. 1 , accessed September 8, 2013 (English).
- ↑ Lower the flags over the fresh graves of German freedom fighters! - Berlin State Library, manuscript collection: Einbl. 1939/45, 8725, p. 75.
- ↑ "G.39, a German pamphlet" , Aerial Propaganda Leaflet Database, accessed on May 1, 2016th
- ↑ Andreas Schubert: A rusty fence with historical significance. In: sueddeutsche.de. December 19, 2017, accessed January 2, 2018 .
- ↑ St. Johann cemetery. In: saarbruecker-friedhoefe.de.
- ↑ Jakob Wetzel: Alexander von Munich. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . 5th February 2012.
- ↑ Quoted from: Elke Reuter, Detlef Hansel: The short life of the VVN 1947–1953. The history of the union of those persecuted by the Nazi regime in the Soviet occupation zone and in the GDR . Berlin 1997, p. 372 f .
- ↑ Berliner Morgenpost : Democracy: Spandau gets "White Rose Square" , August 13, 2020 [1]
- ↑ Collège la Rose Blanche. Retrieved October 16, 2020 (French).
- ↑ Jardin Hans and Sophie Scholl. Retrieved October 16, 2020 (French).
- ↑ Website of the "White Rose" campaign. Retrieved February 13, 2021 .