Heinrich Lehmann (lawyer)

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Heinrich Lehmann (born July 20, 1876 in Prüm / Eifel ; † February 7, 1963 in Cologne ) was a German legal scholar and rector of the University of Cologne .


Lehmann, whose father was a judge at the Cologne Higher Regional Court , attended the Apostle High School in Cologne, where Konrad Adenauer was his classmate. After graduating from high school, Lehmann began studying law in Freiburg im Breisgau and became a member of the Catholic student association K.St.V. Brisgovia Freiburg in KV . After further study semesters in Munich and Berlin , he finished his studies in Bonn , where he became a member of the Catholic student association K.St.V. Arminia in KV. In 1904 Lehmann received his doctorate and habilitation in Bonnthere in 1906 with a work “The obligation to cease and desist in civil law”. In 1911 he became a professor in Jena and in 1917 in Strasbourg . Expelled from France after the First World War , he received a call to the University of Cologne in 1920 through the mediation of Cologne's Lord Mayor Konrad Adenauer, who belonged to the same commercial association as Lehmann in Freiburg and Bonn. Here he served three times as dean of the law faculty and from 1921 to 1922 as rector of the university.

As early as 1920 Lehmann founded the Institute for Commercial and Industrial Law at the University of Cologne, which also included the then completely new areas of labor and commercial law . Lehmann also taught civil procedural law as well as Roman and German civil law .

Family grave in the Melaten cemetery

Several appointments at other universities declined Lehmann, on 31 March 1948 he was at the age of 71 years emeritus .

Lehmann was a great lover and patron of the fine arts, he was an important art collector and music lover.

Heinrich Lehmann died on February 7, 1963 in Cologne at the age of 86. He was buried in the Melaten cemetery (lit. M).

His son was the Buchtal board member and DKG president Helmut Lehmann .

Legal work

In 1913 Lehmann published the book "The Basics of German Industrial Law", which is one of his most important legal contributions and which set standards for the development of German commercial law. In addition to many other works, his BGB textbook “Law of Obligations”, which continued the corresponding work by Ludwig Enneccerus (15th edition 1958), was very popular.


The universities of Münster and Cologne awarded Lehmann the honorary doctorate of Dr. rer. pole. On his 80th birthday Lehmann received the Great Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany as well as the Papal Order of Gregorius , the University of Cologne appointed him Dr. phil. H. c. Lehmann was awarded the Richard Strauss Medal for his services to music .

In addition to his membership in various scientific associations, Lehmann was an honorary member of the International Society for Copyright. In 1950 he became an honorary member of the Catholic student association AV Rheinstein Cologne in the CV and in 1953 of the K.St.V. Nibelung Cologne in KV.

Selection of works

  • The basics of German industrial law , 1913
  • The basic ideas of the new labor law: speech, go. Rector d. University of Cologne on Nov. 12, 1921 . Müller, Cologne 1922
  • General part of the Civil Code. Berlin, Leipzig 1922. 2nd and increased edition
  • Family law of the German Civil Code including child welfare law. Berlin 1926
  • BGB textbook "Law of Obligations . 30. Th., Marburg 1930
  • People's Code : Basic rules and Book; 1. Design & Explanation Presented by Justus W. Hedemann , Heinrich Lehmann, Wolfgang Siebert , Berlin 1942. Working reports of the Academy for German Law, No. 22
  • General part of the Civil Code. Berlin 1956. 9th, increased and improved edition

Web links


  • W. Stump in Siegfried Koß, Wolfgang Löhr (Hrsg.): Biographisches Lexikon des KV. 2nd part (= Revocatio historiae. Volume 3). SH-Verlag, Schernfeld 1993, ISBN 3-923621-98-1 , p. 75 f.
  • WPEckert: Brief history of the University of Cologne, Cologne 1961.